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Creating access to safe blood through 100% voluntary non remunerated blood donation

Creating access to safe blood through 100% voluntary non remunerated blood donation
Start Date :
Jan 01, 2015
Last Date :
Jan 31, 2015
04:15 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

India is among 51 countries to sign the “Rome Declaration” on “Achieving Self-sufficiency in Safe Blood and blood products based voluntary non-remunerated ...

India is among 51 countries to sign the “Rome Declaration” on “Achieving Self-sufficiency in Safe Blood and blood products based voluntary non-remunerated donation”. Blood is an intrinsic requirement for health care and proper functioning of the health system. National AIDS Control Organization under Department of Health and Family Welfare has been primarily responsible for ensuring provision of safe blood for the country since 1992. National Blood Policy 2003 reiterates firmly the government’s commitment to provide safe and adequate quantity of blood, blood components and blood products.

However, in India, a needy patient or his relatives have to run from pillar to post in search of blood and the onus of procurement of blood still lies with the patient and not with the service provider.

Suggestions are invited on how to develop a nationally coordinated and well networked blood transfusion service in the country and reach 100% voluntary blood donation to enable us to meet the global goal of self sufficiency in blood and blood products.

Showing 1 Submission(s)
Abhishek Shukla 9 years 10 months ago

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