About the Design:
In this modern design layout, main links/information of the website are grouped and placed under top navigation bar. Top navigation is a horizontal menu bar which will display its submenus under respective menu options on mouse roll over. The header portion of the page about top menu bar contains various options such as screen reader access, change of colours and font size etc. as per Guidelines for Indian Government websites (GIGW).
Digital India logo and programme title are placed prominently alongside the scrolling image banner. The image banner can accommodate multiple images scrolled automatically at defined time intervals. Tiny circles below image banner denote the total images in the banner.
Other features/sections of the website have been placed in the center area as icon based links and blocks such as What’s New, Programme Pillars, Media Gallery, important links, opinion poll, contest, Quiz etc. The block based sections display recent top few records or first few lines of latest content dynamically taken from the portal’s database. Media gallery section displays scrolling images of recently uploaded photo and videos on the website. All these sections will be linked with internal detailed content pages. The home page menus and content of various sections/blocks will be managed through restricted admin area. Top menu bar and footer area links will be visible on every page of the website.
About the Design:
It is a compact design theme with an attempt to place various sections of website in the first frame of browser window. This layout has multi coloured blocks with section/feature names, linked with internal pages. Some ticket sized images have also been placed in between various blocks which will automatically flip with different images as per defined time interval. Digital India Programme tile and logo has been placed in the center of these blocks. New coloured blocks can always be added for additional links/sections.
The header portion of the page contains various options such as screen reader access, change of colours and font size etc. as per Guidelines for Indian Government websites (GIGW). Footer area of the website will be collapsed by default and will be expanded on clicking the up arrow image available at the bottom of the page.
The inner content page of a section link will be in same colour theme as of block. For example, ‘Programme Pillar’ block is of blue colour, clicking this block will open the detailed content page of ‘Programme Pillar’ section and this page will be in blue colour theme.
About the Design:
It is a compact image block based design layout showing various sections placed in multiple home screens with minimum scrolling of browser window. This layout has image based blocks with section title, distributed across multiple screens and linked with internal content pages. Next and previous home screens can be reached using navigations links. Mouse rollover on an image block will display first few lines of that section. This layout allows flexibility to add more home screens with new image blocks in future without disturbing the existing screen layout.
In addition to image based hyperlinked blocks, text based links are also provided. Clicking menu link on top right corner will open a menu with text based links of various sections.
Digital India Programme tile and logo has been placed in the header section of the website. The header portion of the page contains various options such as screen reader access, change of colours and font size etc. as per Guidelines for Indian Government websites (GIGW). Header and footer area of the website will be visible on every page of the website.