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Concept and Implementation of Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana

वन बंधु कल्याण योजना की अवधारणा और क्रियान्वयन
Start Date :
Jun 11, 2015
Last Date :
Jul 11, 2015
12:00 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The Government of India has launched an approach named “Vanbandhu KalyanYojana (VKY)” with a view to translate the available resources into overall development of tribal ...

The Government of India has launched an approach named “Vanbandhu KalyanYojana (VKY)” with a view to translate the available resources into overall development of tribal population of the country with an outcome-based orientation. Funds for tribal development under Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) are sourced from State Plans, TSP components of schemes / programmes administered by Central Ministries/ Departments, Special Area Programmes such as Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan (SCA to TSP) and Grant under Article 275 (1) of the Constitution, and Institutional Finances. The VKY is broadly intended to be a strategic process which envisages to ensure that all the intended benefits of goods and services under various programmes/schemes of Central as well as State Governments actually reach them by convergence of resources through appropriate institutional mechanism.

Views/comments/suggestions are invited from all sections of the society for effective implementation of Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana.

Showing 51 Submission(s)
Waikhom Santa Singh
Waikhom Santa Singh 9 years 9 months ago

Sir, Initiative from the govt is praiseworthy and it should be the endeavour of the govt to uplift the tribal peoples. The so called tribal leaders are the main culprits for the backwardness of tribal people. They takes away all the money meant for tribal people and settle happily in towns and cities. All the development works are undertaken on paper. Ithink there should be grievance redressal system for these tribal people. There should be agencies to aware the people about the latest govt wel

Kal Gandikota 9 years 9 months ago

There should be programs that bring awareness, friendliness, familiarity, respect for tribals, Apnapan etc among the people in villages, towns and cities that are close to the corresponding tribal areas. Christian missionaries tend to be very compassionate and empathetic with tribals. Indian government can pickup few tips in this regard and promote programs, cultural events, festivals inviting outsiders & even lessons in schools in the states to help develop people-to-people contacts.

Rakesh Pandey 9 years 9 months ago

आप सभी से निवेदन हैं की एक गरीब जो अमेठी का रहने वाला हैं और लोनी ग़ज़िआबाद के पास ट्रोनिका सिटी में रहकर अपना जीवन यापन करता हैं उस बेचारे की दोनों किडनी खराब हो चुकी हैं,उसकी पत्नी एक अपनी किडनी दे रही हैं, उसका इलाज राम मनोहर लोहिया में चल रहा हैं, आप सभी मानवता के आधार पर इसकी सहयता करने की किरपा करे, मई इसका नो. भी दे रहा हूँ और अपना भी, सभी पता लगाने के बाद ही आप सहयता करे. Name-Bal Govind,Mob.7834819227,my name-Rakesh Pandey,9458007067,8505971628 (Please help for humanity ground)

Kal Gandikota 9 years 9 months ago

Post offices in tribal areas should have man power first trained to pack Tribal cargo(handicrafts, farm produce, meats, honey, clothes, ornaments etc). They should also teach tribals how to pack their cargo and provide all necessary packing materials (for a fee). Thus instead of tribals going to town/cities to sell their products, they should be able to ship their products from nearest location and receive the concerned amount. For this Post offices may also provide escrow services.

Kal Gandikota 9 years 9 months ago

Not all tribals have access to internet. Hence, the Tribal affairs related (including VKY) booklets, pamphlets and brochures may be published every year and distributed for a nominal fee to all the government officials, school teachers and tribal heads/Mukhya/rich people in tribes/educated in tribes etc. These booklets should be used by local post offices, police stations, schools etc to guide tribals with their requests, government paperwork, problems, grievances etc

Kal Gandikota 9 years 9 months ago

Storage lockers near police stations may be provided for tribals to store their items (manufactured, farm products, household items etc) during odd weather conditions like rain, heat etc. (This might help tribals who live in wooden huts preserve their properties and pass them onto next generation). These lockers are not meant to store valuable items like gold or money. If its not possible for govt to act on it, NGOs should be guided/facilitated.

Kal Gandikota 9 years 9 months ago

In areas rift with corruption and terrorism, India post offices and postal officials should be given training in journalism(investigative, watchdog, narrative etc) and they quietly/secretly forward the happenings and intelligence in tribal areas to Indian intelligence agencies.

Kal Gandikota 9 years 9 months ago

The biggest problem to governance in tribal areas is poor attendance of officials in the region. All government officials should be made to sign attendance in local police station/post office(central/state Govt departments) at least once a week. IAS officials(may be collector), zilla parishad chairman etc. should be able to receive the attendance/absentees from time to time. The attendance sheets may also be uploaded into a central computer system.

Kal Gandikota 9 years 9 months ago

Government officials working in tribal areas should be able to mix with them including giving them shake hands, hugs, treat them with respect like his parents, siblings or children and most important eat along with them whatever they eat. Anyone who has idea of untouchability in his/her mind or condescending attitude towards tribals should not be deployed in tribal regions. Also officials intent(chintan/manan) should be to raise the standard-of-living(quality of life) of tribals similar to them.