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Discussion on Consultation Paper on City GDP Measurement Framework

Start Date :
Feb 25, 2019
Last Date :
Apr 01, 2019
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
“Dull, inert cities, it is true, do contain the seeds of their own destruction and little else. But lively, diverse, intense cities contain the seeds of their own regeneration, ...
मेऱा वोट बी.जे.पी. को
Shriman Modiji, I do stand with your initiative to measure GDP . Along with that , every city must be made sustainable in ordervto achieve its full growth potential. Urban centres are the core of a nation's economy and have higher productivity. To practically achieve sustainability of cities, it must start with proper sanitation and provision of potable water. then, health centers , educational institutions, and other urban utilities must be set up. waste must be collected and properly managed.
Shares of gross domestic income: Corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments, domestic industries: Profits after tax with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments
As we know, now-a-days the degree of heat from the sun is increasing day-by-day. The problem with regard to the same will be equal to rural and urban peoples. As a remedy to the same, besides with all these industrial developments; we must ensure the development of nature friendly plots or sustainable growth of our atmospherical environment in urban areas through GDP scale system.
we create a plan or sketch of our day-to-day activities. While we are developing industries we make certain plan in association with certain calculations. It is mandatory to provide a city level GDP measurement in each and every system; even if it is economical, cultural and political etc. Within these we must include our environment. So we must use this GDP measurement system for the planning, development and calculation of Environmental Conservation also.
Directives to inhibit use of vehicles as Bullet, Boxer, tempos,trucks etc. in private societies is necessary towards efficiency, health and safety of citizens-the noise levels by such vehicles is hazardous and no permanent solution has been implemented inspite of talks/efforts by authorities; few have commented/observed[given the infrastructure&construction of the society]that the residences vibrate with the use of these vehicles' noise&is risky[details can be provided on request to official]
People of the once's country plays a vital role in increasing the GDP of any nation. Knowing about their contribytion is even important in the cities. I thank my honourable prime minister Narendra Modi ji for this initiative.