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Discussion on Consultation Paper on City GDP Measurement Framework

Start Date :
Feb 25, 2019
Last Date :
Apr 01, 2019
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
“Dull, inert cities, it is true, do contain the seeds of their own destruction and little else. But lively, diverse, intense cities contain the seeds of their own regeneration, ...
mu kame karidabi
bullet train name SUPER GS=GOURBHSALI
our country is the best country in the world , and number 1 peaceful country of the world, this is only for bjp govt and our honourable pm narendra modiji. thanks our pm. and i am talking about our nation first I t is true that the cities are playing a big role in increasing our GDP but this GDPhas been conccentrated in a few hand . . We should make such policy where both urban and rural population should be equally treated
I think the implementation of such a city level GDP measurement for educational institutions can make a control over educational fields and also can resist such unjusitice practice towards the future generation, who are capable to do certain professions with willingness and selfless dedication. Otherwise, it will be a very big problem for the creation of a better indian citizens and indian society.
India is a secular country; and it promote equality, fraternity and justice to all. But, we are unable to find it in case of certain institutions; mostly in the education fields. Because, now-a-days the post of certain educational institutions are filling with regard to religion, caste and financial preference of an individual. when we consider the above situation knowledge doesn't gain that much significance. so we want to find a remedy to change the same.
bullet train ka name hud hud expres
I t is true that the cities are playing a big role in increasing our GDP but this GDPhas been conccentrated in a few hand . . We should make such policy where both urban and rural population should be equally treated
While Innovation is often necessary, few traditional activities should be implemented by every healthy citizen [and thus made Compulsory by Law] since their effects are used/ required by all- activities as Earthernware use, use of textiles suitable to Indian climate [as also had been implemented by Japan in select arenas towards improved efficiency and economising on utility expenses] and compulsory agro-activities [some countries have Military] by each healthy citizen for few hours every month.
Request to ensure that security services in societies are disciplined and do not use lewd attitudes towards those who complain [especially against women]. Centralised egovernance is suggested to avoid regional and committee prejudices towards citizens in private societies.