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Give Inputs for Hindi and Tamil Online Handwriting Recognition System

Give Inputs for Hindi and Tamil Online Handwriting Recognition System
Start Date :
Dec 18, 2015
Last Date :
Jan 09, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

A system designed especially for recognizing the handwritings. Any stylus based inputting device can be used to input text using handwriting. All the stylus based devices provide ...

A system designed especially for recognizing the handwritings. Any stylus based inputting device can be used to input text using handwriting. All the stylus based devices provide basic data in the form of X-Y co-ordinates called as stroke/trace. This handwritten text in the form of stroke/trace is converted into editable text thus bypassing the need for a keyboard for text entry. This system uses handwritten recognition engine which is specifically trained on sample of handwriting styles.

Benefits/Applications Areas:

- Form-Filling Applications
- Census Data Collection
- Other Applications( It can be used for variety of applications such as user information collection by Anganwadi workers and primary health centres, accident and FIR reports by police and note taking etc. It is also useful for sending test messages, language learning games for kids, as digital transcribers for PDA’s and Tablet PC’s, etc.

Devices supported under this technology:

- Any mobile phone with a stylus input
- Any tablet device/ Any stylus based digital wiring device

This project is funded by DeitY, Government of India under TDIL program - "Technology Development for Indian Languages".

Please help us improve Online Handwriting Recognition System by providing your valuable comments and suggestions.

Keyboard with handwritten recognition system is available for download.

Please visit below links to download Hindi and Tamil Keyboard with Handwritten Recognition.

Android: Click here for Hindi / Click here for Tamil

Windows: Click here for Hindi / Click here for Tamil

To know more about the system, kindly visit website www.tdil-dc.in

The last date of submission is 8th January, 2016.

Showing 108 Submission(s)
Emipro Technologies Pvt Ltd
Emipro Technologies Pvt Ltd 9 years 1 month ago

As an innovation, we can surly go for this features. And later on, based on this achievement, if we can move further ahead, and design any such device, which can recognize steno writing, and converts into words (with as much accuracy as possible), than this will take a lot's of burden off from the stenographer working in courts, and will speed up the process as well ! #DeitY, #OnlineHandwritingRecognitionSystem, #TDIL, #MyGov

SUDHIR PATHAK_3 9 years 1 month ago

सर मेरा भाषा के बारे में सुझाव है कि, जितने भी हिन्दी भाषी राज्य हैं वे गैर हिन्दी भाषी राज्यों से एक समझौता करें उन राज्यों की भाषा अपने राज्य में पढाने के लिए तथा हिन्दी को उनके राज्यों मे. ऐसा एक-एक हिन्दी भाषी राज्य एक- एक गैर हिन्दी भाषी राज्य के साथ कर सकता है.

Vikramaditya Malu
Vikramaditya Malu 9 years 1 month ago

Namaste, i have an idea about transportation security, Its like same as Airport luggage checking security, Highways toll is a place where all four wheeler have to stop for toll at least 3 min. In every toll govt can put X-ray kind of machine to search all stuff with dog squad and vehicle on auto accelerator ( for people safety by X-rays) and same toll they can check driver drunken test or related to motor act stuff. It may help to reduce sumggle stuff.

RITESH KUMAR 9 years 1 month ago

मैं आरा बिहार से हूँ. मेरा आपसे एक विनम्र निवेदन है कि कृपया मेरे शहर में लैंडलाइन और ब्रॉडबैंड की केबल पूर्ण रूप से नहीं बिछाई गई है. मैं जब एक्सचेंज ऑफिस में पहुंचा तो मुझे बताया गया कि सिर्फ आपके लिए हम केबल नहीं बिछायेंगे. सर आप स्वयं सोचिये पहले आप बिछायेंगे तभी तो लोग जुड़ेंगे. मेरे मोहल्ले में बहुत लोगों के घर लैंडलाइन फोन ऐसे ही पड़ा हुआ है. चूँकि कुछ साल पहले तक केबल था परन्तु इधर कुछ वर्षों से केबल कट गया है. सर Digital India के लिए ये जरुरी है कि सभी जगह ब्रॉडबैंड से जुड़ा हो.

amit sharma_231
amit sharma_231 9 years 1 month ago

sir you are doing great work do like this in future also...our best wishes are with you..!!!
online recognition is good..sir in india you should made this in-built function in mobile phones..which not only help the peoples but also the government...the system should be  made like this which can recognised all  handwritings.

gaurishanker singh
gaurishanker singh 9 years 1 month ago

माननिये प्रधानमन्त्री जी,
मेरा आपसे एक नम्र निवेदन है कि क्या कोई ऐसा व्यवस्था हो सक्ता है जिससे कि राज्यो को अपने अच्छे कामों के लिये अलग से प्रोत्साहन रासी दिया जाये और खासकर उस काम के लिये जिस क्षेत्र वो अच्छा काम किया हो और साथ साथ ऐसे विषये पे ध्यान दिया जाये जिस मे वो पिछर रहे हों और उसके सुधार के लिये वहाँ के नौजवानों से सुझाओ लिया जाये।
वन्दे मातरम​

NARESH PRAJAPAT 9 years 1 month ago

जय भारत माता की जय
हमे गर्व है हमें भारतीय होने का.....................
जय हिन्द

nilesh Ghodke 9 years 1 month ago

Respected Sir,
mahaeschol.maharshtra.gov.in website has so many issues, because of this we are unable to fill forms of our students and they mailed all the principal of colleges last date is 31/12/2015.
For registration website generates OTP it ok but OTP is not received within time after session expire or after 1hr/half hr OTP message is received.... So many issues that website have! Can you make attention on this issues so that all other st