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Give your Comments or Suggestions on Recommendations of Committee on Net Neutrality

Give your Comments or Suggestions on Recommendations of Committee on Net Neutrality
Start Date :
Jul 16, 2015
Last Date :
Aug 20, 2015
17:00 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

A Committee on Net Neutrality has submitted its report to the Department of Telecommunications. Its recommendations broadly contain technical, regulatory and public policy related ...

A Committee on Net Neutrality has submitted its report to the Department of Telecommunications. Its recommendations broadly contain technical, regulatory and public policy related measures required with respect to Net Neutrality issue.

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is also currently engaged in consultation process on the issue whose recommendations are awaited.

It is emphasized that the views expressed in the report are that of the Committee and not of the Government. Your valuable comments, wide scale consultations, as also the report of the TRAI will help the Government to take appropriate decision on the issue.

Net Neutrality Committee Report

Summary Note on Recommendations

Through this forum of My Gov, we invite valuable comments and suggestions on the report and recommendations before 20th August, 2015, 5.00PM.

Showing 73308 Submission(s)
MANORAJ V 9 years 6 months ago

I strongly request the govt.to safe guard net netrually in real safe and reject like Facebook and other organisations which indirectly want to control our net traffic while giving free for few months and later they will charge for any site we browse. I hope govt. don't fall this corporate what they say in begging.

Abhirav Kumar 9 years 6 months ago

please let the net independent so every site and every category content on the internet is real (yes I just quoted the real definition of net neutrality not the fake one that our govt. and facebook are preaching)

VIJAY SHARMA 9 years 6 months ago

I strongly support net neutrality in the true sense with service providers having no say in guiding the end users or customers through zero rated applications. True Net neutrality gives me the freedom and means to do whatever I want. True Net Neutrality would empower the new start up entrepreneurs of Digital India in development of innovating applications and help in development of break-through technologies.
TRAI should desist from temptation to control the freedom of internet space.

Alif Hossain
Alif Hossain 9 years 6 months ago

I do not want the net neutrality. It's a bad idea of letting big corporations taking control over my privacy and giving them the right to charge on what I want to surf. Ali's the licensing of whatsapp and other video calling apps should not be put into the bill as its a breach of my privacy too.


there should not be no separate charges for each app .... my suggestions is to net law should be one which is beneficial for the people ,not burden on the people of india

Vignesh Rajendran 9 years 6 months ago

1. I as an Indian want my freedom for communication.
2. #NetNeutrality provides me with the ability to communicate what I want in the means I want it to be.
3. #DepartmentofTelecommunications should not be the authoring body of how my Internet usage is defined.
4. I want my usage of the Internet to follow the means in which I communicate not what the Service providers dictate.

I support #NetNeutrality and better #TRAI do that too.