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Give Your Inputs/ Suggestions on Draft Indian National Defence University (INDU) Bill, 2015

Start Date :
Jul 11, 2016
Last Date :
Aug 23, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Indian National Defence University Bill, 2015 proposes to establish a world class fully autonomous institution of National Importance under Ministry of Defence. University will ...
Sir,Idea to establish a world class autonomous institution is great.
Bring all training institutes of Armed Forces under the University. Pilot & Aeronautical training imparted by Navy & IAF. Unify training and dismantle redundant infrastructure & save man power across services. President should be open to civilians who can be considered for the post of NSA. For 3 star Gen it will be the last posting as he can't become 4 star. Select General who have published papers & not as per seniority. Remove serving officers from training duties & use them for front line.
The idea of a National Defence University is great. I have read the bill and my suggestions with regard to the draft bill are enclosed in the attached pdf
Dear sir,
I have a little but a beautiful suggestion for indian defence .sir please take a look at siachin and arunachal post and make a many airbase ,airfield at the north side so that Indian could overcome the chinese army and protect the base.sir plese make a long path of roads and railways at this area.
Sir myself is Raghu Urs I'm doing my final year engineering in 'Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology' which is located at Mysuru Karnataka.
Sir I have beautiful project dedicated for "INDIAN ARMY" till now in India no one has tried it, please give me one little chance for me and my team to prove our idea and making our idea into reality being the citizen of India we are asking one chance to serve the country and to help the Indian arm.
Suggestion From:
Prof. Rajbir Singh
Department of Psychology
Maharshi Dayanand University,
Rohtak (Haryana)-124001
Email id: rajbirsinghmdu@gmail.com
Dear Sir, In India National and State Disaster Response Forces are specially designed for rescue and rehabilition. However, during various disasters like Uttarakhand Flood 2013,J & K Flood 2014, Chennai Flood 2015 defence forces played a vital role in rescue and rehabilitation work. As a matter of fact our NDRF and SDRFs are not well trained & ill equipped for disasters of higher magnitude.
Therefore, it is my humble suggestion to create a special center for disaster management in INDU.
I am sure Physical Fitness will be a integral part of the courses/syllabus of the new University. However, I suggest to include Professional courses on various sports discipline be included. Basically, my intention is to propose a Sports University at the earliest in our country.
It is great initiative.But i think we must include cyber security in INDU syllabus.
There has to be Non Disclosure agreement signed by all the people associated with these universities, also there need to be cooling period established if any faculty, associate of university plan to quit and lookout for outside assignments. Also there has to be provision about these faculty, associates not to engage with our perceived enemies in sharing their knowledge, know how and learnings