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Give Your Inputs/ Suggestions on Draft Indian National Defence University (INDU) Bill, 2015

Give Your Inputs/ Suggestions on Draft Indian National Defence University (INDU) Bill, 2015
Start Date :
Jul 11, 2016
Last Date :
Aug 23, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Indian National Defence University Bill, 2015 proposes to establish a world class fully autonomous institution of National Importance under Ministry of Defence. University will ...

Indian National Defence University Bill, 2015 proposes to establish a world class fully autonomous institution of National Importance under Ministry of Defence. University will develop and propagate higher education (PhD, M Phil, M Tech and M Sc) in National Security Studies, Defence Management and Defence Technology and promote policy oriented research on all aspects relating to national security, both internal and external. It would also encourage awareness of national security issues by reaching out to scholars and an audience beyond the official machinery. It will also serve as a think tank contributing to policy formulation and debates on security and strategy. INDU will inculcate and promote coordination and interaction not just between the three Armed Services but also between other agencies of the Government, the Civil Bureaucracy, Para Military Forces, Central Armed Police Forces, Intelligence Services, Diplomats, Academicians, Strategic Planners, University Students and officers from Friendly Foreign Countries. It would create synergy between the academic community and Govt functionaries. It would make available opportunities for higher studies through distance learning to interested military personnel.

Initially, four new colleges / institutions, namely School of National Security Studies, School of Defence Technology, School of Defence Management and Centre for Distance and Open Learning are proposed to be set up at main campus at Binola, Gurgaon. The four existing Defence Institutions namely National Defence College (NDC), New Delhi, College of Defence Management (CDM), Secunderabad, Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Wellington and National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla, Pune are proposed to be brought under the ambit of INDU without diluting their powers or autonomy for award of degrees and diplomas.

The last date for sharing inputs on Draft Indian National Defense University Bill, 2015 is 21st August, 2016.

Click here to read the Draft INDU Bill in English

Click here to read the Draft INDU Bill in Hindi

Showing 1073 Submission(s)
Ravinder Kumar 8 years 6 months ago

श्रीमान मोदी जी,
यह एक बेहतरीन कार्य है, इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है| लेकिन कुछ सावधानियां रखी जानी अत्यावश्यक हैं -
1. इस यूनिवर्सिटी की सीमा से आरक्षण नाम की बला को दूर रखा जाए|
2. यूनिवर्सिटी का माहौल राजनीति से एकदम अछूता रहना चाहिए|
3. देशभक्ति के साथ-साथ सामाजिकता का पाठ भी पढ़ाया जाना चाहिए|
4. यूनिवर्सिटी से जुड़ी सभी गतिविधियाँ पारदर्शी हों|
5. इस यूनिवर्सिटी में छात्र संघ के चुनाव भी नहीं करवाए जाएं|
6. यूनिवर्सिटी कैम्पस में जंक फूड, कोल्ड ड्रिंक्स पर पाबंदी हो|

pankaj pant_3
pankaj pant 8 years 6 months ago

As we know that pakistan is using terrorist against India and we are loosing our presious army men agaist them so my idea is that we can use our that citizens who are in jail for minor crime so that they can also live respective life and can fight against terroist in low salary so that it will not effect our economy and our army men can b save and we can give a chance to live a respected life to that person who has commeted a low level crime and living in jail.
Thank you.

Venkatramana Siddheshwar 8 years 6 months ago

Defence has been under studied in india, we have not learnt from history. I do hope the courses run in the institution overcome this deficiency

Mukti Gupta
Mukti Gupta 8 years 6 months ago

H’ble Pradhan Mantri ji,
We live in freedom because of our Defence. To inculcate true patriotism in our youth & motivate them to join the Defence, my humble suggestion-GOI can introduce a subject on Defence for classes V to VIII with no exams. I have drafted a book on defence ‘I Salute You’ for class V with a lot of fun elements & interesting activities. It would be my honour to present this book personally to You & the MHRD and explain my idea in detail.
Jai Hind.

A.K. Panigrahy
A.K. Panigrahy 8 years 6 months ago

सरकार को एक बैंक acount no जारी करना चाहिए जो सेना की सहायता के लिए होना चाहिए
जिसमे दान की गयी धनराशी सारे टेक्स से मुक्त हो मीडिया के माध्यम से इसका प्रचार प्रसार किया जाए
टॉप 10 दान दाताओं को सम्मानित किया जाए
अगर हर देशवासी हर माह केवल 1 रुपया भी जमा करे तो हर माह एक अरब रुपया जमा होगा
एक साल में 12 अरब रुपया
तब सेना को और अधिक शक्तिशाली बनाया जा सकता है इस से हर देशवासी को गर्व भी होगा
और ये भी पता चल जायगा के आम देशवासी भी सेना को कितना चाहते हैं

Ram Niwas Sharma_4
Ram Niwas Sharma 8 years 6 months ago

1) Visitor i.e.President Of India Office , PMO , MOD has to be made compliant of ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems , ISO 37001 - Anti-bribery management systems in all aspects of activies and Indian National Defence University since inception. Consultation from QUALITY SYSTEM INSTITUTIONS TO BE TAKEN FOR QUALITY STANDARDS.

o v gnana prakash 8 years 6 months ago

Sir, No doubts it is appreciable move. There should be such for other forces also. We have to cultivate a culture and habbit which should be proud to entire world and other nations should participate in these programmes for their cultural benefit. We should be a leader in these kind of activities.

Avinash Shridhar Limaye
Avinash Shridhar Limaye 8 years 6 months ago

I have seen people taking tickets in Bus, Trams, Boats, Cinemas etc. and Throwing them after use, I suggest they should retain till the Use is complite and carry them with self and throw at dustbin.

Krishna H. Chavan
Krishna H. Chavan 8 years 6 months ago

लोग प्याकेट/रयापर के अंदर कि चीज खा लेते है जैसेही वह खाणे कि चीज खतम होतेही फेक देते है . अगर लोगोने वह कागज अपने जेबमे अपने ब्याग मे रख सकते है वह कचरा अपने ऑफिस या घरके कचरे के डीब्बे मी दाल सकते है. मै खुद यह करता हु गोली का छोटासा प्लास्टिक कवर मै जेब रखता हु. कोईभी अस्वच्छता करणे पर रोखता हु लेकीन आजतक दुसरे किसीको रोखते हुवे मैने नही देखा [स्वच्छ भारत करणे के लिये मेरेपास बहुतकुच्छ है]

Krishna H. Chavan
Krishna H. Chavan 8 years 6 months ago

आपने और दुनीयाने कहा है कि भारत युवा का देश है ज्यादातर युवोनंका दिमाग थक जाता है अगर स्कुलसेहि योगा से ध्यान meditation लगाना सिखना चाहिये