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Health System in India: Bridging the Gap between Current Performance and Potential

Health System in India: Bridging the Gap between Current Performance and Potential
Start Date :
Apr 23, 2015
Last Date :
Jun 09, 2015
12:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

This discussion is now closed. To view the summation of content from this discussion visit our Blog. The topic has now been furthered into nine new discussions along the pillars of ...

This discussion is now closed. To view the summation of content from this discussion visit our Blog. The topic has now been furthered into nine new discussions along the pillars of health systems strengthening. You are invited to contribute actively to these discussions.

Health Information Systems
Human Resources for Health
Availability of drugs, vaccines and other consumables
Public Health
Service Delivery in Health
Using Available Financial Resources in Health as a Tool for Efficiency
Stewardship and Governance in Health
Regulation of Drugs, Food and Medical Practice
Increasing Financial Resources for Health

India has made remarkable achievements in areas like Polio elimination, lowering fertility and disease control. However, our progress in health outcomes has been slower in comparison to other countries with comparable incomes and at similar stages of development. Impressive gains in per capita income should match with increase in life expectancy or health status. We now face a triple burden of disease. Out of pocket expenditures in India is high (70 percent of total health expenditure). This is catastrophic for the poor and pushes an estimated 37 million into poverty every year.

Health is a subject allotted to the State List, under the Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution. The Central Government is jointly responsible for items in the Concurrent List.We have one of the most expansive publicly provided networks of health facilities yet issues of regional disparity, access and quality remain. The private sector despite being utilized by the majority of the population also has issues of quality and cost.

Even though the Union Budget allocation for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2015-16 has remained at the level of revised expenditure in 2014-15, an opportunity lies in encouraging States to spend more on the social sector with greater devolution of untied funds following the recommendations of the Fourteenth Finance Commission.

India is brimming with possibilities. Successful conduct of election, Census survey, projects in space and atomic sciences are some examples. India is termed as the “pharmacy of the global south”, providing affordable, life saving generic medicines to developed and developing countries. In the same way, there is potential for our health system to deliver optimal outcomes to the population.

The Twelfth Plan charts the path towards strengthening health systems so as to reach the long term objective of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). It is our belief that a Health System Strengthening approach is the solution to bridging the gap between our current status and potential performance. The Health Division of the NITI Aayog invites you to an open and informed discussion to elicit ideas for overcoming the enormous challenges in the sector with limited funds at hand and guide future action at all levels, in our system. Your opinion is important and valued.

Detailed note on the current status of health system in India

We invite your responses on these two questions:

1. How can we maximize health returns from available resources?
2. How can we increase investments in health?

This discussion is open for the next two weeks after which we will post a summary of the ideas generated on the forum. We will also follow-up with a more detailed note on the issues in health system and learning from best practices in the country as well as globally for further discussion. Informed briefs on the above mentioned questions will also be made available after the initial two weeks for more a targeted dialogue.

Comments made by our Division will appear as “NITIHealth”.

Showing 585 Submission(s)
Anil Tiwari_5
Anil Tiwari_5 9 years 7 months ago

Bihar ke shaharo me 80% Delevery child birth operations se hi hota hai
vajah hai doctors paisa banane ke liye end mauke pe injection lagate hai aur jab patients dard se karahne lagata hai to bolte hain operation karna padega aur 20-30 hazar charge karte hain.ek garib man jamin gahne bechne padte hain.

Anil Tiwari_5
Anil Tiwari_5 9 years 7 months ago

Bihar ke shaharo me 80% Delevery child birth operations se hi hota hai
vajah hai doctors paisa banane ke liye end mauke pe injection lagate hai aur jab patients dard se karahne lagata hai to bolte hain operation karna padega aur 20-30 hazar charge karte hain.ek garib man jamin gahne bechne padte hain.

Anil Tiwari_5
Anil Tiwari_5 9 years 7 months ago

Bihar ke shaharo me 80% Delevery child birth operations se hi hota hai
vajah hai doctors paisa banane ke liye end mauke pe injection lagate hai aur jab patients dard se karahne lagata hai to bolte hain operation karna padega aur 20-30 hazar charge karte hain.ek garib man jamin gahne bechne padte hain.

Shailesh Vishnu Dalvi
Shailesh Vishnu Dalvi 9 years 9 months ago

There is urgent need to fill up the vacant posts to improve functionality of primary health centres, atleast in tribal areas where the existence of private health care services is a dream. Moreover the health administration needs decentralisation at least to the level of District Administration. Along with this Poverty and migration issues related to tribal populations need urgent address so as the health services can be efficiently catered despite of the place where tribal people are working.

Chanchal MAl Chordia 9 years 9 months ago

Government must clarify parameters of Effective Treatment so that various systems of treatment can be compared accordingly on same level.For more clarification please visit www.chordiahealthzone.in

Pratik Mandot 9 years 9 months ago

check all type of food... bcoz the disease starts from our food... check all type of food which is available in market like pizza, burger, and inspect various hotels for their food...
make a state level team for inspection and they do the inspection.... Food & Security dept. can't do all the thinng... i think it should be done...

Chanchal MAl Chordia 9 years 9 months ago

Government must clarify parameters of correct Diagnosis so that various treatment systems can be compared accordingly on same level.For more clarification please visit www.chordiahealthzone.in

rahul partap singh andotra 9 years 9 months ago

Respected pm , in order to reduce the health problems first please concentrate on its origin and its main source is our food which is full of chemicals because today in order to increase the production of crops we used chemical fertilizer even for vegetables ,,,,,
So I heartily requested you please promote organic foods for promoting organic fertilizer government can also save thousands of lack which is used for providing subcides ...if u want further ideas related this plz contact me jai hind

ATUL CHAUHAN 9 years 9 months ago

Today, the number of registered medical practitioners is 840,130 the overall doctor population ratio is now 1:1800. Today also the newer technologies are way far from the reach of a rural population because no Dr wants to practice in the remote areas even in the states like Himachal, J&K, Uttarkhand etc. but can we shorten this distance by using the available technology in those segments where even an OPD consultation will be enough to prevent maximum deasises (Diabetes & Hypertension).