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Improving the quality of regulation

Improving the quality of regulation
Start Date :
Jan 22, 2015
Last Date :
Nov 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Present regulatory systems tend to stymie the quality and growth of our institutions. What reforms are necessary in the existing regulatory agencies and their methods so as to give ...

Present regulatory systems tend to stymie the quality and growth of our institutions. What reforms are necessary in the existing regulatory agencies and their methods so as to give greater academic, administrative and financial autonomy to our institutions so as bring about quality enhancement.

Showing 408 Submission(s)
Babu Kuriyadi 9 years 6 months ago

The institutions should be given freedom to prepare study material and arrange instruction based on the National Curriculum to be set up for each course. There are innumerable degree courses in our Universities and the syllabus or course materials hardly differ. So, We should designate the courses on national basis and curriculum formed - regulating the number of degrees and it should be based on the grade of the students financial as well as autonomous rights are given.

GBKS Prasad
GBKS Prasad 9 years 6 months ago

Corruption has crept into the regulatory bodies, and merit is given the last seat. Consequently, the people with no vision and foresight are heading many of the regulatory and policy decision bodies.

Also, the appointment of Vice Chancellors' is not on the basis of merit, particularly in State govt. Universities.
There is lot of disparity in the governance, funding and quality of education between State funded and Central govt. funded Universities and means to be worked out to overcome it

Premjith Prabhakaran 9 years 6 months ago

The objectives of New education policy can be achieved if and only if the following is made mandatory. Teachers have to improve their effectiveness. Students have to learn deeply. Universities should have control over both. How can these be achieved through a single move? answer is attached.

RISHI KANT MISRA 9 years 6 months ago

sir i am from up.. i want to suggest that improve the quality of offices in country.... for this we can use the direct fund transfer in employies... in the case of retirement most of the offices clerks take huge bribe for passing the files.... sir if any person working whole life for country but at the time of retirement they need to give bribe for penssion and gpf fund etc kindly try to improve it..

thanking you

Preetha P S 9 years 6 months ago

Another important thing noticed was the colleges accredited with 'A' grade & autonomy started syllabus with easy lessons & already stopped practicals, which will gain chemicals, save instruments ultimately gain money. Students are afraid to SAY "NO" in these institutions. So apart from accreditation please go through the autonomous colleges before giving autonomy to others. I think this will do more harm than good as far as this situation persists.

Preetha P S 9 years 6 months ago

Modiji, All the Internal Assessment including attendance were given to all candidates in private as well as government colleges without assessing any quality of the students. It is simply money making procedure for some colleges/teachers. The teachers who are correctly assessing the students are getting marginalized. They are also forced to give marks. So the first thing is to stop grading system. Make unified syllabus and conduct nationwide examination for all disciplines

Rahul Agrawal 9 years 6 months ago

Just like mygov.in there should be open forum for suggestion and grievance for each college and university. It can be for of discussion thread. It will allow to review all aspects and frame regulation along these

abhinav namdeo
abhinav namdeo 9 years 7 months ago

indian govt. should apply branch system in medical field like engineering. every student will take proper knowledge in u.g & p.g with own subject .and u.g seats will automatically increase in every state . govt. can not open large amount of collage in every state and can not increase u.g seats because every collage student capacity are 150 or 250 seats.if govt. will apply branch system in every u.g medical collage they can increase seats without opening large amount of collage.