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Inviting Blogs from Young Writers on Favourite Indian Author and Book/Novel

Start Date :
Jun 11, 2021
Last Date :
Jul 31, 2021
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The national scheme ‘YUVA: Prime Minister’s Scheme for Mentoring Young Authors’ has been launched to empower young minds and create a learning ecosystem that can nurture ...
Good Evening Sir
Gouri Chauhan, Class : 9th - C
Haridwar, Uttarakhand
School - Delhi Public School , Ranipur
Shiv Mahima
A. P. J. Abdul kalam was one of the best Human being on planet . though he was great missile scientist his behaviors was like a common man. He was very rich in knowledge. Everytime he use to give respect to others. When he became president of India he used his all his five years term to uplift education feild of India. He never use to take rest in his life. he devoted his full life to the welfare of nation. I don't think in near future we may get such type President and scientist. 🙏🙏
Arnab Ghosh
Class- 6 'C'
School - Kendriya Vidyalaya Bilaspur
Here is introductory note of story inspired from daily life i am trying to write . I hope you like it .
Hi, I am Lehar Choraria. I am in my 12th grade. Please give my submission a read. I have written on Sarojini Naidu and my piece is called "A vision one of a kind"
For me, every Indian author is best. It is very difficult to choose any one from them. Every writer born in India has taught us how to live our life. They have taught us to deal with any kind of obstacles and overcome from it. They have taught us to lead a prosperous but a simple and social life. Salute to every Indian writer, novelist, poet. Proud to be an Indian.
My favourite Indian Author is Maharishi Ved Vyas Ji and my favourite Book is Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. Here is attached my Blog in Hindi Language.
कोमल कुमारी,
पूरबी सिंहभूम,
झारखण्ड ।
सादर प्रणाम
मैं अंजुम कादरी सितारगंज उधम सिंह नगर उत्तराखंड मैंने अब तक बहुत सारे अखबारों में आर्टिकल लिखे हैं और ग्रहशोभा इंडिया टुडे जैसी किताबों में भी मेरे आर्टिकल साया हुए हैं प्लास्टिक पर्यावरण जल गैस त्रासदी बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ नाबालिक बच्चों की शादी तीन तलाक आदि कई सारे मुद्दों पर मेरे आर्टिकल दैनिक जागरण अमर उजाला पंजाब केसरी हिंदुस्तान आदि पेपर्स में छपते रहते हैं