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Inviting Ideas and Suggestions for Union Budget 2022 - 2023

Inviting Ideas and Suggestions for Union Budget 2022 - 2023
Start Date :
Dec 17, 2021
Last Date :
Jan 07, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance invites suggestions from citizens every year, to make the Budget-making process participative and inclusive. ...

The Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance invites suggestions from citizens every year, to make the Budget-making process participative and inclusive.

The Ministry looks forward to your ideas and suggestions for the Union Budget 2022-2023, Please share your ideas and suggestions that can help transform India into a global economic powerhouse with inclusive growth.

The Ministry of Finance and MyGov looks forward to your valuable suggestions.

Participate in good governance. Be heard.

The last date for submissions is 7th January 2022.

Showing 3124 Submission(s)
NVenkateshwaran 3 years 4 days ago

Rental deduction and deduction towards own housing for self-occupation should be clubbed and given a higher limit.

House Rent Income and interest expense to be treated separately in the existing section.

NVenkateshwaran 3 years 4 days ago

The deductions and exemptions related to Housing for Individuals are spread across many sections with varying limits.
Salaried people with an allowance "named" House Rent Allowance get an exemption under Section 10 with regard to rent expenses paid.
Others who do not get a House Rent Allowance get a deduction under Section 80GG for the same.
Those who buy or build a house or repay housing loan principal get a deduction under section 80C within the overall limit of Rs.150000 bundled with many other investments / deductions, some of which actually cover the whole limit. (There is another section on affordable housing but that is specific to first time house owners so that is not considered here).
Interest paid on housing loan is deductible under Section 24.

All deductions related to self-occupied housing - either owned or rented - should ideally be clubbed into a single Section with a higher limit to avoid discrimination based on nomenclature of earning / expense.

Isha Kumari 3 years 4 days ago

Dear Finance Minister
I can't able to upload the pdf of these images
Pls read this.. It's a big request .Whoever read this pls make it reach to ma'am.

ASWIN R RAJ 3 years 4 days ago

In the coming decades , the World , especially in India we might face the biggest problem there is : UNEMPLOYMENT , that too in the Highly educated youth population.
Only possible solution for the same would be : TO PROMOTE TOURISM , mostly from the rural areas of India.
Such a task can be successfully completed only by GOI.
Along the industry : HOMESTAYS are the best .
GOI missionary can create thousands of job vacancies , by promoting Homestays in the villages of India.
Furthermore , such an initiative would be of minimum burden to the govt. in terms of capital investment.

SHARIF SHAIKH 3 years 4 days ago

शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य सुविधा सरकार की जिम्मेदारी है, सुधार मुमकिन है बच्चों की प्राथमिक शिक्षा और उपचार सरकार हर किसी को सरकारी स्कूल और अस्पताल मे अनिवार्य कर दे। आम जनता, सरपंच से लेकर नगरसेवक, विधायक, सांसद, मंत्री और ग्रामसेवक से लेकर तहसीलदार, गटविकास अधिकारी, एसडीएम, जिलाधिकारी सभी के बच्चे सरकारी स्कूल और अस्पताल मे उपचार ले तो सुधार होना है। स्वास्थ एवं शिक्षा भत्ते बंद कर इनके विकास मे लगाए, जो प्राइवेट स्कूल से शिक्षा दे, ले उन्हें सरकारी नौकरी, सरकारी पद ना मिले ऐसा कानून सरकार लाए।

SHARIF SHAIKH 3 years 4 days ago

वित्तमंत्रीजी, कोरोना की मार देश मे बेरोजगारों की संख्या और इस से निपटने के लिए कुछ तो उपाय ढूंढने होंगे करों, पेट्रोलियम पदार्थों, रेडीरेकनर दरों में बढ़ोतरी यह उपाय नही, सरकार के पास पैसा आए, रोज़गार भी मिले, बढ़े और कोई नया कर भी ना लगे। सिर्फ सूचना, सुझाव लिख कर देने से काम नही होगा, कोई इन्हें देखता ही नही। लाखों सुझाव रोज़ाना इस माध्यम से आते हैं, क्या 8 वर्षो में किसी पर कोई कार्य हुआ। सुझाव है 60 हज़ार करोड़ रुपये तक राजस्व नियमित प्राप्त हो ऐसी एक योजना के दो पर्याय है, आप चर्चा करें।

SHARIF SHAIKH 3 years 4 days ago

संसाधनों की कमी के कारण दो वर्ष से अधिक समय टेलीफोन मिलने मे लगता था मगर फिर भी गर्व महसूस होता था। आज संसाधनों की भरमार होते हुए भी BSNL दम तोड़ती है रेल्वे, हवाई अड्डे प्राइवेट हो यह देश के लिए अच्छी बात नही। वजह हर सरकारी कार्यालयों मे अधिकारियों और कर्मचारियों को काम से अधिक वेतन और पेंशन इस का मुख्य कारण है। ऐसी प्रस्थिति सन 2000 से पहले नही थी। इसलिए नियंत्रण और 50% तक की कटौती जरूरी है। इसलिए देश हित में राजनेता पहले अपना मानधन कम कर इसी बजट से शुरुआत करें। तब "सब का साथ सब का विकास"होगा।

Sarvesh Garg_2
Sarvesh Garg_2 3 years 4 days ago

Income Tax reforms to be taken up in the upcoming budget session. Taxes over 15 lacs is at 30% rate while Corporate Tax is 15%.
Investment like PF and VPF from savings point of view to be encouraged and therefore interest earned over this should not be taxed.
Certain expenses like individual training expenses, learning subscriptions of all nature etc. to come under exemption.
School fee exemption limit to be revised and be linked to the school fees actually being paid.. just like HRA.