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Inviting ideas for Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25th December 2022

Start Date :
Dec 02, 2022
Last Date :
Dec 23, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on ...
Jai Bharat Manyaniya pradhanmantri G (Shri Narendra modi G) Sahridya Sparsh . Vishay-Jise dekhakar/jis samasya ko dekhakar Karunaa aa jata ho use Kam karne ka prayas karne ki kripaa karenge. Naam- Rahul kumar Rajya-Bihar (Nawada) 805104
मेरे मन की बात ये है की, देश में जितने फैक्ट्री बन्द पडे है,सरकार उन सारे फैक्ट्री को चालू करें या फिर उस फैक्ट्री की जमीन को जनता को शौप दी जाए ।। ये एक साजिश के तहत लोगों के जमीन छीन कर बिकाश के नाम पर बहुत बडी घोटाला हुआ है ।।
ऐसे बहुत सारे फैक्ट्री जैसे, शुगर मिल, पेपर मिल बन्द पडे है और उस जमीन कि मालिकाना हक बन कर आज भी बडे बडे बिजनेस मैन छुप कर बैठें हुए हैं ।।
अगर सरकार उस बन्द पडे फैक्ट्री को फिर से जान फूंक दे तो देश के बिकास के साथ साथ बेरोजगारी की मार भी कम होगा और लोगों कि बिश्वास सरकार के प्रति बजाय रहेगा ।।
सपन कुमार घोष
आताबीरा, बरगड
hor was a very subjak assmes
my granting
हमारी आजादी के नायक
word “culture” stems from the Sanskrit word, which can be translated as “improvement” or “cleaning. In the same manner, the Yajurveda, which is one of the four Vedas, thinks that culture is a creation that ought to be kept everywhere in the world. This perspective is held throughout the entirety of the other three Vedas.
In spite of the fact that the terms “human advancement” and “culture” are sometimes used interchangeably in current discourse. Civilization is synonymous with the outward manner in which humans live their lives or the physical occurrences that take place, such as the manner in which they live, the food that they eat, the language that they use, and so on. Examples include the manner in which they live, the food that they eat, and the language that they use. This can be seen, for instance, in the way that individuals conduct their lives, the kinds of foods that.
Pariksha pe characha is one of the best ideology for students , teacher's and as well to parents
माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी
जय भारत,
सहारा समूह एक बड़ा व्यवसायिक घराना है लाखों लोगों को चार दशक से रोजगार दे रहा है
सेबी से विवाद के बाद इस समुह के काम में लगातार व्यवधान उत्पन्न हो रहा है
मैं भी सहारा का एक सक्रिय कर्मयोगी कार्यकर्ता हूं साथ ही निवेशक भी ,
कृपया सहारा सेबी विवाद का आप पहले और मध्यस्थता कर हल निकालने में सहयोग करें जिससे निवेशकों की रकम मिलने लगे और समूह को राहत मिले
---संजय डागा हातोद
Dear and Honourable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi ji,
Greetings, contribution to India & Indians ref PMOPG/E/2022/0325403 I had written to you along with the letter received thanking letter from Honourable President Republic of France. Just with one comment it is closed saying forwarded to concerned department however until now no response or no confirmation if the letter reached you. I have position Indian on top in all possible ways, I have contributed with care for world peace and also invited all different nationals to visit & experience India. Do you remember your speech/oat taking to invite foreigners, I have done and continue to contribute Indian in various ways. Infact, I am writing again and again to GoI especially Ministry of Civil Aviation and Ministry of Labour & employment and Department of Public Grievance for giving important to real Good Governance. However no one cares so far, how will we Indians be respected in our own soil if you don't act?Jai hind🇮🇳
Dear Sir, Kindly Target To Be The EuroAfroAsia Global Leader Then The World Will Bow Down To Us, For That We Need To More Diplomatic With G7 But Keeping Them Under The Sheet About The Plans For Taking Theirs Position As well As Same Influences Around The World, Need To Build The Strategies Around The Country’s Who Are Ignored By The G7 Countries As Well As The Other Developed Countries, 2047 Is To Far, Target Should Be 2023 Before G20 Term Ends. Don’t Discuss It On Mann Ki Baat, MEA Under Cover Operations. Thank You 🙏