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Inviting ideas for Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25th December 2022

Start Date :
Dec 02, 2022
Last Date :
Dec 23, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on ...
All that is not tangible and measurable will cause reactions of doubt among men.
blessed are open spirits that believe in the divine competence omnipotence and manifestations
The unbelievers would remain petrified if all they all suddenly accesed true knowledge, which is not easily accessible even to the most enlightened ones.
It's necessary to progress a long time so that reality can emerge in all it's great ness of divine sri Modiji
May faith and love guide you sir on the way of discovery please
These two powerful engines will naturally open spirits and all secret and sacred open to you
you see how plunging inside oneself rellieves the stress and the worries that assail yr self Sri Modiji sir unceasingly
It is your excellence only and true refugee
A universe of love is inside you sir
when you don't control the situation anymore, you should instantly take refugee in it sir please only for few moments
Life is an every day battle for you sir how smilingly you are taking sir
you must s
आज हम सभी को इस दुनिया में सफल होने के लिए हर जगह पर परीक्षा देनी पड़ती है। जीवन के लगभग हर क्षेत्र में हम परीक्षाओं का सामना करते हैं। यह माना जाता है कि परीक्षाएँ किसी के ज्ञान और अनुभव की जाँच का माध्यम होती है।कुछ लोग विश्वास करते हैं कि परीक्षाएँ छात्रों के ज्ञान को जाँचने की सर्वश्रेष्ठ पद्धति हैं।
Non stop 1300 days, daily non stop
*Mission Green Latur City*
*From deserted Latur to Green Latur*
Our non stop 1300 days for the tree and the tree hundred years for us.
*Plz Come and Join*
*let's make our native city Green and Beautiful*
*Our Projects*
#Green Ring road
#Green dividers
#Neem tree
#Peepal Road
#Oxygen zone
#The natural Oxygen Factory
#Sangam Park
#Butterfly Park
#Nisarg Pakshi Udyan
#Bakul colony
#Akashmogra Colony
#Sunflower Project
#Tree Raksha bandhan
#Green Dipawali
#Tree Ganesh
#99 thousand plus tree plantation
#30 thousand plus tree free disribution
#Drum project
#Kundi Project
#Green police station
#miyawoki project
#Green house
#Bonsai workshop
#Garden workshop
#Best Garden compitition
#poster free latur
#clean funaral station
*🌳ग्रीन लातूर वृक्ष टीम🌳*
Mo 9326511681
Dist Latur
Respected my father of the Nation
you are the real Tiger🐯 of India
It is in the nature of of human being's to criticise every time, every thing they don't know.
what they do not understand also and what does not resemble them
That's how it is
we will change nothing about it
criticism relating to you sir
and more particularly to your excellence channeling belong to these behaviours
Now our Nation G_20 Presidency presiding over all the Nation.
Now our Modiji morals to peace of the universe
Sir go on your way with out dwelling on that.
Regarding china what's our PM is doing is correct
we already told:make of it what you will sir
Nation citizens are abiding you sir
Is it not essential that this possibility exists and that we can make use of it sir
Negative criticism always are inevitable sir
Think of open spirits that will benifit from all these teachings
Isn't this the most significant aspects?
we cannot force anyone to believe in this system
The same applies to all secrets of l
अमृत सरोवर
ग्राम पंचायत बर्मी विकास खंड मिश्रिख जनपद सीतापुर उत्तर प्रदेश
*Mission Green Latur City*
*From deserted Latur to Green Latur*
Our 1300 days for the tree and the tree hundred years for us.
*Plz Come and Join*
*let's make our native city Green and Beautiful*
*Our Projects*
#Green Ring road
#Green dividers
#Neem tree
#Peepal Road
#Oxygen zone
#The natural Oxygen Factory
#Sangam Park
#Butterfly Park
#Nisarg Pakshi Udyan
#Bakul colony
#Akashmogra Colony
#Sunflower Project
#Tree Raksha bandhan
#Green Dipawali
#Tree Ganesh
#99 thousand plus tree plantation
#30 thousand plus tree free disribution
#Drum project
#Kundi Project
#Green police station
#miyawoki project
#Green house
#Bonsai workshop
#Garden workshop
#Best Garden compitition
#poster free latur
#clean funaral station
*🌳ग्रीन लातूर वृक्ष टीम🌳*
Namaste sir I am a student of 9th class. My name is Bhoomi and I also want to take part in Mann ki baat. I want to ask many questions about pariksha pa charcha. Sir I will very glad and thank full If I can take part in it.
*Mission Green Latur City*
*From deserted Latur to Green Latur*
Our 1300 days for the tree and the tree ndred years for us.
*Plz Come and Join*
*let's make our native city Green and Beautiful*
*Our Projects*
#Green Ring road
#Green dividers
#Neem tree
#Peepal Road
#Oxygen zone
#The natural Oxygen Factory
#Sangam Park
#Butterfly Park
#Nisarg Pakshi Udyan
#Bakul colony
#Akashmogra Colony
#Sunflower Project
#Tree Raksha bandhan
#Green Dipawali
#Tree Ganesh
#93 thousand plus tree plantation
#30 thousand plus tree free disribution
#Drum project
#Kundi Project
#Green police station
#miyawoki project
#Green house
#Bonsai workshop
#Garden workshop
#Best Garden compitition
*Write a comment...*
*🌳ग्रीन लातूर वृक्ष टीम🌳
Namaste sir I am a student of 9th class. My name is Bhoomi and I also want to take part in Mann ki baat. I want to ask many questions about pariksha pa charcha. Sir I will very glad and thank full If I can take part in it.
हम जो कार्य कर रहे है
दुनिया मे कही नही होता है
लगातार 1301 दिन
हर दिन 4 घंटे
98500 live plants
पुरी city हमने green कर दि है
आप जाणते होंगे 2016 में latur city में train से पानी आया था
यह वही city है जिसे हमने green कर कर दिखाया है
आप हमारा fb page देखिए
pavan ladda
ग्रीन लातूर वृक्ष टीम
mo 9326511681
city latur, maharashtra