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Inviting Ideas for PM Narendra Modi's Mann Ki Baat on 27th September, 2020

Start Date :
Sep 09, 2020
Last Date :
Sep 26, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on ...
If you plan to open educational institutions. Please make in class attendance only for people who dont have online facilities. Don't force students to come to school or colleges by opening it asking to attend mandatory for attendance. For all courses where there is no practical ,online mode is best. Please provide tablet computer and free internet for people who don't have such facility. Please facilitate computer and internet for each and every student who don't have.aakash tablet was for this
this is very good program run by gov.
jai hind sir
its my first time i am raising my voice against exploitation going on in private schools.As unemployment is the major concern of our country but sir in this attachment i have mentioned about those who are in job but have no "RIGHT" in their work place.A place which is named as SCHOOL, where we teach the students-what are their fundamental rights as a citizen of India,but yet still fail to stand for our own rights.
E invoice is becoming mandatory from 01 10 2020. Whether E waybill is not sufficient for controlling the revenue system? E waybill is itself a IRN only thing is mobile checking strength should increase by appointing unemployed youth as volunteers. This will increase India's employment and make support the revenue control and reduce the fraud in Indian business systems.
please say something about cantonment bill 2020 which is pending for long time.
the draft is been released but the civil residents are against the draft bill since it cannot solve the basic problem of residents especially building by law, FAR, FSI..
Pl. change the draft bill so it can solve the civilians problem .
please say something a word only which means a booster for us.
Dear Modiji
Tomorrow you are going to share your views regarding ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT. .... Here what I made as a mark of atmanirbharata ...
It is a TOY PENGUIN MADE FROM EGG SHELL .. A toy which is now getting very popular among my neighbours. They are keeping it as room decoration and frequently giving it to their children as a toy keeping in mind regarding its delicacy..HOPE YOU WILL ALSO LIKE IT.... IT IS WORTH 5 Rupees...
Hello Sir, with a great sense of respect and responsibility I would like to draw your attention to product labelling. Some of the products come with labels 'best before'. Now to find out the consume by date, consumer has to find mfg date then do mathmatics. This process can be bit complicated for certain people. Instead if the product comes with a consume by date just like mfg date, it would be clear and easy for everyone. Japan follows the same labelling. A kind request to give this a thought.
The constitution provides state shall enable citizens to realize full potential. Accordingly remove all unwanted laws which prevent citizens to realize their true potential. Some of the laws are advocate should not practice any other profession. This should be removed from Advocates. If advocates can practice law and do business in Uganda ,why can't the same be followed in India. Why can't Indians study multiple degree especially in online mode if they are capable. Allowpeople study many degree
hi, as we are facing the same problem ,it's are duty to work for our society r country. we know that there are no school for children's ,it's the duty of the teachers to teach those children's who stay near there house as much as they can ,as a tutorial r tution in turn they can earn money as much as the children can pay for teachers without any burden on the children's parents.
The many industries and sectors locked due to unwanted laws and restrictions is being unlocked like in education sector (NEP), Agricultural sector etc. Unlocking to realize the potential and unleash efficiency should be the touch stone in which disinvestment ,privatization should be made. Just because world bank or adb told govt should get out of business it need notbe adopted. China's economy grew due to its public sector . Public sector or private sector ,who ever is able to do efficiently let