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Inviting ideas for PM Narendra Modi's Mann Ki Baat for August 2016

Inviting ideas for PM Narendra Modi's Mann Ki Baat for July 2016
Start Date :
Aug 19, 2016
Last Date :
Aug 26, 2016
11:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Prime Minister Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on a number of themes and issues in the next 'Mann ki Baat' which is on 28th August, 2016. As always, the Prime ...

Prime Minister Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on a number of themes and issues in the next 'Mann ki Baat' which is on 28th August, 2016. As always, the Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address. So what are the themes, issues or topics that you want the Prime Minister to speak about?

Share your views in this Open Forum or alternatively you can also dial the toll free number 1800-11-7800 and record your message for the Prime Minister in either Hindi or English. Some of the recorded messages may become part of the broadcast.

And stay tuned to Mann Ki Baat at 11:00 AM on 28th August, 2016.

Showing 2773 Submission(s)
Devendra yadav_1
Devendra yadav_1 8 years 5 months ago

मैं रूद्रपुर में दसवीं कक्षा में पढने वाली नातिन का स्कूल बेग देख कर दंग रह गया।गाईड बुक्स्और कापियों किताबों इतना ठसाठस भरा कि उसे उठाने में बेचारी की कमर झुकी जा रही थी।इतना भारी बेग क्यों पूछने पर पता चला कि किताब से पढाने का जमाना नहीं है ।उनमें दिये गये सवालों के जवाब गाइडों में ढूंढे जाते हैं ।कहां है यही बताना टीचरों का काम है।इसके लिये इतना भारी बेग ले जाना मजबूरी है।बेग हल्का रहे स्कूलों में बच्चों के लिये अलग अलग खाने वाली अलमारियां या डेस्कों में किताबें रख कर ताला लगाने की व्यवस्था क

Devendra yadav_1
Devendra yadav_1 8 years 5 months ago

मैं रूद्रपुर में दसवीं कक्षा में पढने वाली नातिन का स्कूल बेग देख कर दंग रह गया।गाईड बुक्स्और कापियों किताबों इतना ठसाठस भरा कि उसे उठाने में बेचारी की कमर झुकी जा रही थी।इतना भारी बेग क्यों पूछने पर पता चला कि किताब से पढाने का जमाना नहीं है ।उनमें दिये गये सवालों के जवाब गाइडों में ढूंढे जाते हैं ।कहां है यही बताना टीचरों का काम है।इसके लिये इतना भारी बेग ले जाना मजबूरी है।बेग हल्का रहे स्कूलों में बच्चों के लिये अलग अलग खाने वाली अलमारियां या डेस्कों में किताबें रख कर ताला लगाने की व्यवस्था क

Ranjan Kumar Tripathi
Ranjan Kumar Tripathi 8 years 5 months ago

The attached file is the letter given to The Deputy Labour Commissioner Bokaro . He Refused to give me the inquiry report or Out come of my letter. reason : Report is very confidential.
Sir I want to know that it is no way going to hamper our national security it is directly related to my carrier , to my fammily... so request you to look in this matter & resolve this issue as i am facing financial problem ..
Thanks & Regards
Ranjan Tripathi

Dr Ramesh kumar Thusoo
Dr Ramesh kumar Thusoo 8 years 5 months ago

Respected sir As the income of farmers increases they can purchase many industrial goods or fast moving consumer goods and the circulation will be complete for the growth. It has become customary for the people to say that price of vegetables pulses and other food is increasing and provide a high index for TV channels and print media to discuss.Even a middle class family of after enjoying a cinema trip can bear the expenditure of 1000 rs bu if the price of tomato is 50 rs he makes hue and cry

ADITYA YADAV 8 years 5 months ago

SIR,Congratulations for your good work.Sir I think we should think about population problem which is increasing day by day.All the good work by any govt. will not last for all the time due to large population.We are looking for more industries which will give more employment but there is limit.So, why not Indian parliament can makes a law to control population like China.I think population control will itself resolve many problems.PARIVAR NIYOJAN can't do that so law which can give btr result

Kalishwar Das
Kalishwar Das 8 years 5 months ago

आदरणीय श्रीमन् प्रधानमंत्री महोदय,

अमेरिका में Ancestry.com और 23andme.com जैसे वेबसाइट्स तमाम अमेरिकियों के डीएनए सैंपल लेकर उन्हें उनके पुनर्मिलन की सफल मुहिमें चला रहा है। प्रत्यक्ष में ऐसा होता देखकर मुझे प्रेरणा हुई हैं कि भारत में ऐसा कर हम भी भारतवंशियों का सफल पुनर्रमिलन करवा सकते हैं। इससे उनके जीवन क्रम में मिठास और प्रेम की नवजागृति होगी और धर्म-पंथादि के भेद का पूर्णांत हो सकेगा। भारत उन्नति के मार्ग में अग्रसर हो सकेगा। कृपया गंभीरता से ध्यान देने की कृपा करें।

Ronak Mehta_7
Ronak Mehta 8 years 5 months ago

Civil Police is now only chasing 2 wheeler without helmet.Is this what they are suppose to do?They don't do any other work.I don't say that is not important.Helmet should be worn.But have you ever seen the condition of roads.At all Junction in Mumbai roads are pathetic.People and country loses so much money on petrol as cars are stuck in traffic for hours.We have to stop this first than allow civil police to catch people for road rule breaking.

Ronak Mehta_7
Ronak Mehta 8 years 5 months ago

Respected Sir,
Corruption at topest level is Zero Now and this is highly appreciated.
I will love that now corruption at lower level reduces.
If you see now lower level corruption has increased than to reduce.
Corruption at Customs/Excise department is increased. This is creating lots of problem for export of cargoes.
I know this corrupt excise and customs office had been doing this since years but things needs to change and stopped. There has to be limit to the level of corruption.

Pramod Sharma_58
Pramod Sharma 8 years 5 months ago

Sir ,In Bihar the working environment for the government bank is very poor no one is taking responsibility ,so plz look into the same for improvement .
If any end user log the complain against the branch they never revert on this .
SBI bank Chapra (bazar branch ) is one of the case . please help.

Dr Swapan Kumar Banerjee 8 years 5 months ago

I would like to hear from PM what he plans to do about millions of youths who slog in small offices for 10-12 hours daily but don't have any pay scale, bonus or DA.Is it possible to achieve SABKA BIKAS without them?

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