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Inviting suggestions on the draft of National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST)

Inviting suggestions on the draft of National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST)
Start Date :
Dec 08, 2021
Last Date :
Dec 17, 2021
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

As per the recommendations made in NEP 2020, a set of standards has been developed to ensure that all students at all levels of school education are taught by passionate, ...

As per the recommendations made in NEP 2020, a set of standards has been developed to ensure that all students at all levels of school education are taught by passionate, motivated, highly qualified, professionally trained, and well-equipped teachers. National Professional Standard for Teachers(NPST) would help in determining the attributes of the teachers at different levels of career pathways. In addition to this, NPST focuses on preparations, practice and performance improvement of all teachers. The standards and related policies are in line with the fundamental principles given in the NEP 2020 to provide high quality education to all. NCTE was mandated by the Ministry to formulate a guiding document and platform for operationalizing NPST.

National Professional Standard for Teachers (NPST) will monitor the design of pre-service teacher education program. This could be then adopted by states and determine all aspects of teacher career management, including tenure, professional development efforts, salary increases, promotions, and other recognitions.

In this regard, a draft document on NPST has been developed by NCTE after incorporating ideas and suggestions received from experts of various domains. The draft document has been released on November 17, 2021 to invite the suggestions and feedback from all stakeholders.

Click here to read the draft National Professional Standard for Teachers (NPST)

Please submit your suggestions (comments) latest by 17th December 2021.

Showing 680 Submission(s)
ARUN KUMAR GUPTA 3 years 2 months ago

Our behaviour is reflection of our surroundings. It is not just what we learn in schools or colleges. If there is corruption in country, is it due to education system? Which school or college teach about corrupt practices? But, when students see teachers expecting gifts from students on special occasions, what goes in their minds? When school management asks for buying unnecessary stationary items or costly uniforms from school designated stores, what effect it makes on students particularly not so rich students whose parents manage with difficulty to meet the ever increasing cost of education? What is the effect on students of teachers pressurising for private tuitions and awarding good marks to students taking tuitions from them?
We allow corruption to start from schools. Seeds of corruption are laid in our education system. Corruption is now our national character.
Education system shall have to not just to manage shools and results. It shall have the responsibility to educate.

abhishek goswani
abhishek goswani 3 years 2 months ago

1. teachers selection examination has to be given more important like upsc. simply who is not getting any job turn to be teacher will not help our country I suggest in upsc exam like INDIAN TEACHER SERVICE should be added and given first priority and next IAS and so on.

2. All teachers to be brought under grading system by means of regular testing or feedback from student and same to be added to there profile for future decision

Pavani Bhanu Chandra Murthy
Pavani Bhanu Chandra Murthy 3 years 2 months ago

Environment education system is must be implemented mandatory for all students. At the very outset ,I would like to express about wangari maathai .According to her many wars are fought over the natural resources some wars are forsurvival and some are to gain control over the resources . These keep us away from the resources. Good management of resources and equitable distribution of them is important for peace This is possible only when you have democratic space n respect for the environment

ARUN KUMAR GUPTA 3 years 2 months ago

Reforms in education system can not be visualised in few years. It takes decades to get the returns. It may take at least a generation gap to see the effects of educational reform because education reform is supposed to change the character of nation that too by changing the character of citizens person by person.
With NEP, the emphasis would be to restore the lost morale and eroded moral values of younger generations through education system.
Teachers are going to play a definitive role. There is a saying 'old habits die hard'. So one question remains that teachers who have been part of earlier systems would actually change themselves and inculcate moral values and discipline in students? Training the teachers for NEP would only impart the knowledge about changes in system but how would teachers get to know the changes about intentions of NEP.
Therefore, unless there is generational shift in teachers, effect of change due to NEP would take time to get delayed further.

Pavani Bhanu Chandra Murthy
Pavani Bhanu Chandra Murthy 3 years 2 months ago

when the students spend all that time in reading writing and horrible examinations there is no scope for them to learn any fine arts.Now they don't find I am to play games at least. Now their education makes them weak physically.Do you know..." a sound mind in a sound body" , but the present education system make the students shun any sort of physical activity.
These are the adverse effects of education in in corporate system try to to remove this type of actions and make them children happy.

OSHO GOD 3 years 2 months ago

अगर सरकारी व्यवस्था को संबंधित अधिकारी सही बना सकते हैं तो निश्चित रूप से उनको हटा कर उनको ट्रांसफर स्थानांतरण कर दिया जाए और इसका निजीकरण करने में ही भलाई है क्योंकि जितनी जल्दी प्राइवेटाइजेशन होगा उतनी व्यवस्थित सिस्टम अच्छी होगी और आपका लाखों करोड़ों अरबों रुपए जो व्यस्त बर्बाद हो जाता नष्ट हो जाता वह बच जाएगा ऊर्जा शक्ति धन का सदुपयोग संचय संरक्षण सुनिश्चित करवाने के लिए उपाय अधिकारियों कर्मचारियों से आमंत्रित किया जाए और मीटिंग कर के इंप्लीमेंटेशन अति शीघ्र करवाया जाए तो अच्छा होगा धन्यवाद

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 3 years 2 months ago

sorry 2write here-
everything has +/- points
ऐ decision अगर ऐसा हो तो -देश कि हर बेटी
शादी कि उम्र 19या20साल हो(20ठिक है)male let them decide
समानता के बजाय male/femal करें तो ज्यादा freedomहोगाin case of marriage only,4 every woman
qकि हर कोई jobनहीं करेगा और ना ही हर किसीको jobमिलेगी
और जहां तक मुझे लगता है इससे आगे जाके problemsआनेवाले हैं या creatहोंगे
&being woman यहां समानता का कोई नाप ही नहीं है it's a natural difference
better 2 free them with responsible human resources & rights

OSHO GOD 3 years 2 months ago

वरिष्ठ अधिकारी सब कुछ जानते हैं कि किस तरह से अच्छा किया जा सकता है सिस्टम पारदर्शी बनाया जा सकता है किस प्रकार से ईमानदारी लाई जा सकती है लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि वह बिल्कुल नहीं चाहता कि हमारे आदिवासी बनवासी जनजातियों का पिछड़े वर्ग का एससी एसटी ओबीसी का डेवलपमेंट हो यही वजह है कि उन लोग आज तक बुनियादी सुविधाओं से वंचित है सड़क पानी बिजली जैसी स्वास्थ्य सुविधाएं प्राथमिक चिकित्सा जैसी चीजें भी आज तक गांवों में नहीं पहुंच पाई है कौन जिम्मेदार है इस भ्रष्टाचार इस करप्शन के लिए इस लापरवाही के लिए कौन

sandhya shivaprasad 3 years 2 months ago

The Teacher Foundation, an organisation working for teacher professional development and well-being for the past 19 years, welcomes the NPST. There are, however, some areas for improvement which if ironed out would lead to greater clarity and acceptance of the standards. Please find our recommendations attached as a PDF document. We do hope to see standards that set a clear trajectory for the growth and development of all teaching professionals!

OSHO GOD 3 years 2 months ago

क्या समस्या का समाधान कलम का सलूशन कठिनाई का निराकरण करवाना संबंधित विभाग के अधिकारी का दायित्व पर दिन ड्यूटी करता भी नहीं है क्या और क्या यह सुनिश्चित नहीं किया गया है और यदि हां है तो क्या भ्रष्टाचार को दूर करवाना सतर्कता विभाग जांच एजेंसी का ड्यूटी फर्ज कर्तव्य नहीं है क्या उसके बावजूद भी आज तक भ्रष्टाचार जीरो टॉलरेंस नीति पर क्यों नहीं चल रहा है मैक्सिमम बेनिफिट प्रॉफिटेबल आदिवासी लोगों को एजुकेट करने के लिए क्यों नहीं दिया जा रहा है समाधान है अभी नहीं कराया जा रहा है क्यों कारण क्या है