Inviting Suggestions for the Draft National Youth Policy 2023-32

Inviting Suggestions for the Draft National Youth Policy 2023-32
Start Date :
Jul 27, 2023
Last Date :
Aug 25, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The world is changing in significant ways, and India's youth are poised to make the most out of it. The Youth are action-oriented, having the ability to think creatively and ...

The world is changing in significant ways, and India's youth are poised to make the most out of it. The Youth are action-oriented, having the ability to think creatively and influences positive change across society. Youth are at the fore-front in using technology in all spheres and serves as a critical component in the larger vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat. Hence, there is a need for introducing new policy which can suggest appropriate policy interventions taking into account the impact of digital technology on education, work & employment, how the society will experience the fast paced changes and how full or needful engagement of the youth will create a responsible society, very well led and placed on the track of process & development.

Accordingly, the Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and Government of India has drafted the National Youth Policy 2023-32(NYP 2023-32) with the vision to synergize the hopes and aspirations of India's youth to enable harmonious growth of society; to harness the energies of youth more effectively towards inclusive economic growth & responsible governance; and to build an enabling environment where youth can come together, persevere, and work relentlessly with their utmost strength towards the making of a new India.

In order to ensure the participation of the stakeholders in policy making process, the Department of Youth Affairs seeks comments/views/suggestions on the draft NYP 2023-32 from all stakeholders.

Please refer to the policy document: Draft National Youth Policy (PDF 669KB)

Showing 749 Submission(s)
Harinarayan Tripathi
Harinarayan Tripathi 1 year 1 month ago

Dear Sir, Policy should inter alia contain the following: (1) Self Sustaining Opportunities and abilities, (2) Sharing is carrying to build India, (3) Learning from experienced senior citizens and respect to them, (4) Money save is money earn system, (5) Why not just now system implementation, (6) Finding solution instead showing problems etc.
yogesh chopra 1 year 1 month ago

Dear honorable members,
Ideas worth your kind consideration for children and youth would be as follows:
1. Building a district education department with an interface for all schools
2. Mapping schools teachers attendance and filling in for absent teachers using ICT from the district headquarters
3. Installation of RISC V based hardware from IIT(M) using small form factor in every single classroom
4. Rural and suburban schools can send their small form factor computers for repairs using postal services to district headquarters
5. All classroom activities can be monitored using cctv cameras by associate teachers
6. All hardware supplies to schools can be preloaded with open source software, class wise & subject wise materials
7. 3D animation can be introduced in each chapter. History, geography, civics can have short documentaries from each region
8. Introduction of assistant teachers in each class to help students where students to teacher ratio exceed 1,:15
Gopal chandra ojha 1 year 1 month ago

आज विश्व की सर्वाधिक युवा आबादी भारत में है. भारत सरकार ने 2014 में राष्ट्रीय युवा नीति घोषित किया था.09 साल के बाद नई युवा नीति हेतु सुझाव मांगा गया है जो स्वागत योग्य है. आज भी कृषि रोजगार देने वाला सबसे प्रमुख एरिया है. 1. कृषि पर आधारित व्यबसाय तथा उद्योग में युवाओं को रोजगार ट्रैनिंग की जरूरत महसूस करते हुए ट्रैनिंग केंद्र शुरू करना. 2. कृषि के आधुनिकीकरण मे युवाओं की भूमिका तय करना.

Abhay Biswas 1 year 1 month ago

Namaste P.M Narendra Modi ji,
I am Abhay Biswas from West Bengal from gram panchayet of Duttapulia.

I already submitted my main content this this my last words to you that many many projects you made for the welfare for our country but 90% of them are not known by the rural areas for that I requsted to you to mandetory the my gov projects in schools for that students actively perticipate in this types of projects and rural areas like our panchayet gets these types of benefits and devolop like urban areas.

Thank you.

saitram solanki
SAITRAM SOLANKI 1 year 1 month ago

स्वरोजगार सीखो और कमाओ वित्तीय सहयोग करें सरकार 1 year 1 month ago

Draft National Youth Policy 2023-32 has been put for public discussion.
Many big persons will discuss over it.
But I want to put in simple words that the policy should be such that craze for "Sarkari Naukari" shall come to an end.
Youths today are hell bent about getting a government job.
They may have several acres of agricultural land or good family business but after doing anything from 10th or a degree from some private engineering college they are after a government job even for a "Chaprasi" job.

DOLAMANI PATEL 1 year 1 month ago

मित्रों !! यह समय की मांग है कि भारत को अपनी सैन्य क्षमता में इजाफा करने की जरूरत है इसे ध्यान में रखते हुए भारतीय सेना के पास भी ऐसी स्टिंजर मिसाइलें होनी चाहिए.
