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Inviting Suggestions for the Draft National Youth Policy 2023-32

Inviting Suggestions for the Draft National Youth Policy 2023-32
Start Date :
Jul 27, 2023
Last Date :
Aug 25, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The world is changing in significant ways, and India's youth are poised to make the most out of it. The Youth are action-oriented, having the ability to think creatively and ...

The world is changing in significant ways, and India's youth are poised to make the most out of it. The Youth are action-oriented, having the ability to think creatively and influences positive change across society. Youth are at the fore-front in using technology in all spheres and serves as a critical component in the larger vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat. Hence, there is a need for introducing new policy which can suggest appropriate policy interventions taking into account the impact of digital technology on education, work & employment, how the society will experience the fast paced changes and how full or needful engagement of the youth will create a responsible society, very well led and placed on the track of process & development.

Accordingly, the Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and Government of India has drafted the National Youth Policy 2023-32(NYP 2023-32) with the vision to synergize the hopes and aspirations of India's youth to enable harmonious growth of society; to harness the energies of youth more effectively towards inclusive economic growth & responsible governance; and to build an enabling environment where youth can come together, persevere, and work relentlessly with their utmost strength towards the making of a new India.

In order to ensure the participation of the stakeholders in policy making process, the Department of Youth Affairs seeks comments/views/suggestions on the draft NYP 2023-32 from all stakeholders.

Please refer to the policy document: Draft National Youth Policy (PDF 669KB)

Showing 749 Submission(s)
Suyash Singh_17
Suyash Singh 1 year 5 months ago

Youth Policy in India
This policy should include:
• Education: Ensure quality education for all, focusing on both academic and practical skills, to equip youth for future challenges.
• Employment: Create job opportunities through skill development programs, entrepreneurship support, and promoting industries that can absorb a large number of young workers.
• Healthcare: Provide accessible healthcare services, including mental health support, to ensure the physical and mental well-being of the youth. Major problem is depression in youth.
• Equal Opportunities: Eliminate discrimination based on gender, caste, religion, or economic status, and promote equal opportunities for all youth.
• Social Engagement: Encourage active participation in democracy, community service, and volunteer work to foster responsible citizenship.
• Innovation & Creativity: Support platforms for young people to express their creativity and innovation, contributing to societal progress.

DEEPANSHU BANSAL 1 year 5 months ago

Our school education system must have these mandatory subjects to make individual life better:
1. Personal finance
2. Insurance
3. Diet
4. Sex education
5. Life sciences
6. Psychology
7. Swimming
8. Self Defense (Only defensive techniques)
9. Workout and Yoga
10. Carrier counselling
11. Entrepreneurship
12. Presentation Skills

These can be implemented as 1-3 months of practical and interactive course instead of subjective approach.
Only basic level of syllabus is good for youths.

But sadly none of these subjects are considered important by both our education system and us.

DEEPANSHU BANSAL 1 year 5 months ago

Dear team,
Our school education system must have these mandatory subjects to make individual life better. This can make our youth more responsible for themself.
1. Personal finance
2. Insurance
3. Diet
4. Sex education
5. Life sciences
6. Psychology
7. Swimming
8. Self Defense (Only defensive techniques)
9. Workout and Yoga
10. Carrier counselling
11. One mandatory sport
12. Entrepreneurship
13. Low level research

All of them can be introduced as 1-3 month mandatory course as only basic understanding of these subjects can lead to better life of youth and it should be practical and interactive in manner instead of subjective.

Sadly none of these subjects are considered important by both our education system and us.

Please like and reply to this comment, so that it can reach to our govt. quickly.

aadithya arjun
aadithya arjun 1 year 5 months ago

Youth Policy Should Have a technology platform to Help the Youth to Report on Quality of Staff in every Government, Private sector schools and colleges.
also report on no teachers or staff in certain schools or colleges. Youth Policy can also have a system to assess the reported unqualified staff in any educational institution.

SHASHANK KATARE 1 year 5 months ago

I believe that it is the responsibility of the education system to provide equal opportunities for education and certificates in traditional subjects / employment fields as well as other subjects
which are left as mere personal hobbies, and they will pursue their interest and will also get employment opportunities. That's why I am suggesting to develop this model
if this plan is executed correctly and with full devotion, it will bring a new revolution in the field of education and India will once again become “Vishwa Guru”.
Due to this model, Indian scholars of all fields will get due respect and prestige at the national and global level. India will be able to use Knowledge Hub, research, more knowledgeable scholars, and personnel as SOFT POWER which gives India an edge in every field.

abhaybiswas_5 1 year 5 months ago

Namaste P.M Narendra Modi ji,
I am Abhay Biswas from West Bengal, India from the rural area of Duttapulia gram panchayet.

In my whole life as a youth I realised that 90% of Indian politicians in India are ineligilble and for that people in India like me are suffering from them because not all leaders are like you my god P.M Modi ji. 90% in India are unemployed,uneducated and 90% of time the destroies National Properties. They embezzing the money, food, goods and supplies and facilities of local people.

To stop that as a youth for my nation building. I make a policy to ensure a perfect leader(politician) which is P.E.T(Politicians Eligibility Test). I attachched the P.D.F file below where I gave my vision because "Without an eligible leader(Politician) we cannot be an eligible country".

rakeshranjan 1 year 5 months ago

Youth is future of Country and Civilization & Culture, so they may be following to be inculcated in their from childhood to adolescent level
1. There may teaching or education on Country and Civilization & Culture and society.
2. Teaching on moral values and discipline
3. Teaching on cleanness and healthy life style
4 Teaching on Yoga
5 Learning of any Skill to earn and sustain
6. Encouragement for entrepreneurship
7. Have self pride in Nation hood
8. Respect for the elders and traditions with continuity & change
9 Encouragement for Sports and Art activity.

RK Sharma_22
RK Sharma 1 year 5 months ago

मेरे विचार से जातिवाद को समाप्त करने के लिए जातिगत आरक्षण की जगह आर्थिक स्तिथि के अनुसार आरक्षण होना चाहिए क्योंकि जातिगत आरक्षण से फायदा केवल 5% को ही मिल पाया है तथा शेष 95% उन्हीं हालत में जी रहे हैं। जिन 5% को शुरू में फायदा हुआ वही परिवार अब तक फायदा उठा रहे हैं।
यह आरक्षण नीति युवकों में नफ़रत फैला रही है। देश के उचित विकास के लिए सभी को बराबर के अधिकार मिलने चाहिए।
यह आरक्षण नीति मेरे हिसाब से संविधान में निहित बराबरी के अधिकार का भी उल्लंघन करती है। अब उचित समय आ गया है कि इस वोट की राजनीति से ऊपर उठकर
भारत के सभी नागरिकों को बराबर का अधिकार दिलाया जाए।

RK Sharma_22
RK Sharma 1 year 5 months ago

यदि SC, ST and OBC को जाति से बुलाना ठीक नहीं है और सजा निश्चित कर रक्खी है तो पंडित को पंडित, जाट को जाट और राजपूत को राजपूत बुलाने वाले को भी सज़ा होनी चाहिये।