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#ItsMyDuty- Share your stories on Fundamental duties

Start Date :
Mar 12, 2020
Last Date :
Nov 26, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Calling for stories, videos and ideas on the 11 Fundamental Duties! ...
To fulfill my obligations as citizen of India by paying taxes honestly on time.
My taxes will be used to make my life easier.
My taxes will make my nation safe and secure.
My taxes will make my nation educated
My taxes will make my nation healthier.
My taxes will be used to make my nation great.
#ItsMyDuty the childrens in the home they belong to their family. If they come out from the family for many reasons the child is for public. Each an every citizen have tge responsibility to save the children without partiality.
#ItsMyDutyNow a days all the peoples are staying mingled caste relegion. If anybody death the people show caste wise and not coming to help the death family to remove the body. Here also the people showing the language caste relegion state differences. If their own people death only coming to help. Showing partiality to remove the dead body.Please make the rule for through spritual meeting conductors regarding this
#ItsMyDuty In my area I found one house was being in fired by short circuit.That time I did not have my mobile and begged for mbl to call FireBrigade. No one knows the number. 101 dialled no pick up. After pick up some were laughing not hearing my complain. I dont know the localpokice number. Fnlly I dialled local police and mumbai firebrigade by mistake.They found my whereabout and sent my area FB. Every citizen schools colleges Std booths should write the emrgncy number in nameboard
#ItsMyDuty make the common cemetries for all the caste peoples not by caste wise. Relegion wise also separated as caste wise. It should be changed. Allow the third gender also can use the common cemetry. Death is for common. India is united nation but why they are showing partial for caste wise gender and third gender wise cemetry. Do good for thirunangai ali also. They are also a human being.
To promote #MakeInIndia
PM has given call to make India self reliant.
We as a duty-bound citizens shall purchase Made in India products to promote local industries and local products.
They are the primary basic schools of children, so they should be vigilant at all times because they are responsible for nurturing the future of the country.
In schools and colleges each an every student and the staff should learn to sing the national anthem vandhe matharam witha proper pronunciation. When the student appearing for 8th std exam.. It should be compulsory. If the student made any wrong in that not allow to write the exam. Same to same for 10th exam also. And teachers should be trained to sing NA. And vanthematharam.
Parents are the most responsible towards the country because they are the main source of giving a good and bad leader to the country.
These are very essential for the development of the country, which can be possible only when there are disciplined, punctual, dutiful and honest citizens in the country.