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Kisan Suvidha - A smart Mobile App for Farmers

Kisan Suvidha - A smart Mobile App for Farmers
Start Date :
Oct 13, 2016
Last Date :
Nov 12, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Information and communication technology is becoming an important aspect of Agriculture sector. Till now most of IT initiatives by government were focused on website and training. ...

Information and communication technology is becoming an important aspect of Agriculture sector. Till now most of IT initiatives by government were focused on website and training. In the current scenario, the mobile phones are becoming effective way of delivering information and this medium has been used by DAC&FW to develop KisanSuvidha Mobile App. The app is designed primarily for farmers keeping their requirements in mind. The app is engineered to provide all information at a common place that a farmer or agriculture stakeholder in agriculture sector may require. On 19th March 2016, app was inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime Minister during ‘KrishiUnnatiMela’ in New Delhi. As on today, an approximate 3 lakh active users are using this app. The App is available in Hindi, English, Punjabi, Tamil and Gujarati Language.

The app has very simple interface with focus on providing information on six essential areas of farming:-

1. Weather details
2. Dealers
3. Market Price
4. Plant Protection
5. Agro Advisory
6. Kisan Call Centre (KCC)

The app can be downloaded from Google Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.cdac.bharatd.agriapp and it is also available on mkisan.gov.in

Kisansuvidha is designed as a ‘Single window’ concept which enables farmers to get relevant information with the click of a button. Many more new features are being incorporated into this app so that it becomes more useful for farmers and related stakeholders.

We invite suggestion from all to improve this app further and share other useful apps for farmers.

Showing 92 Submission(s)
Rahul Babar_1
Rahul Babar 8 years 3 months ago

honourable sir,
i know a efficient way from which we cam improve our farmers current economical condition. and most importantly we can include them in the digitization of India. also we can control the rate of inflation. and also reduce the the millions of tons waste of food which occurs each year due to storage problems. and also we can create jobs for the family of farmers.
please contact me if u are interested in my idea.

Thanking you
Rahul Babar

Abhishek Pareek 8 years 3 months ago

आदरणीय मेरा सुझाव है कि प्रत्येक ग्राम पंचायत को इस एप से जोड़ें और ग्राम पंचायत के निर्णय, आय, व्ययों को इस पर उपलब्ध करवाये इससे किसान भाइयों की भागीदारी बढेगी ।

Parveen Kumar Jain 8 years 3 months ago

Lots of New Machine & Tools Information is avilable on Facebook pages regarding agriculture . Add news or new innovation section for youtube clips in Mobile app. FaceBook page "Wonders of Agriculture & Jaivik Kheti , Gaon Connection have much useful information to get benifit to Farmers

rajkumar devra
rajkumar devra 8 years 3 months ago

Gov takes lots of initiative in agriculture to improve the system of in this field even made a Kisan app but our mandis even A category mandis are fail to give real value of farmers crop bcoz they don't use digital machine for weight the crop of farmer and basic price is also low in mndi some people decide the rate of product so plz some reform in mandis to stop cheat farmers .

Praveen M 8 years 3 months ago

Sir, Along with cultivation of rice or wheat farmers should be encouraged to plant fruiting trees, medicinal trees and other beneficial trees beside their cultivable lands. Most trees like these can not be damaged by bad monsoon and good for environment too. Farmers should not leave extra blank space. These fruiting trees are also highly beneficial for other habitats. Tamarind and marigold plantation can prevent mosquitoes related diseases and so on there are several benefits from trees.

manish Bishnoi_1
manish Bishnoi 8 years 3 months ago

सर जी किसानों को उनके हक का दाम नहीं मिल रहा है और इसमें बिचौलिये कहीं ज्यादा

rahul mittal 8 years 3 months ago

पराली की समस्या का एक मात्र हल यह है कि फसल काटने वाली मशीनों को ऐसा बनाया जाये की वह फसल को जड़ से या बिलकुल नीचे से काटे ।फिर न रहेगा बांस और न बजेगी बांसुरी ।