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Public consultation on Government Open Data Use License - India

Start Date :
Jun 24, 2016
Last Date :
Jul 26, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Under 6th pillar of digital India Initiative, Open Government Data Platform is endeavoring share of Government data in open domain to improve openness and transparency between ...
I would like to bring to your notice that a lot of current data is available in PDF format example - http://posoco.in/DailyReports.aspx Such data is useless / very difficult to use for analysis. All data should be available via APIs and as CSVs that can be inputted to a computer using automated tasks and crunched with minimal efforts. Human time is too valuable to redo work that someone else has already done.
Please find attached a submission from MediaNama.com on the Open Data License, based on the philosophy of open-ness, that information must be made available in a manner that is transparent, free, non-discriminatory, neutral, unconditional, and without prejudice.
Online copy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K1ezZVPBHjGTJoJF6efJw6Wv5WFN1RiPGZ6HUuJMbQE/edit
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find attached the submission on behalf of the Centre for Internet and Society, India.
Anubha Sinha
6. Policy may consider to make license the authority to permit user to check with the original data provider on conditions and on disclosure which may be enumerated in the policy. 7. Policy may permit quoting the data license to approach and seek information from other agencies which may not be data providers under license.’ Regards, Jangbir
5. Data may be considered to at all time carry original data provider identity and the template cater to such attribution. Further template may also cater to mention of users at least in numbers so as after a certain number of users, user made responsible of informing the original data provider so as to enable data integrity and endurance by update, modification .., issue new data if required.
3. May consider data handling generated by other than government. 4. Clause 2 h. ‘Adapt’ may be considered to be defined to the extent of data retaining its integrity. Clause 3. May consider to elaborate also what the user cannot do with/to the data. Clause 6.Exemption as listed where ever possible may be considered to be defined.
Sir, ‘1. Policy addresses data handling under the license. May consider to elaborate on the attributes of data providers for aspects of data source, authority, endorsement…among other aspects.2. Availability of data and its proliferation without liability may likely create a tenuous data structure- environment abounding in profundity without probity, confusion more than certainty.
Dear Madam/Sir,
We are grateful for making the draft "Government Open Data Use License – India" public, and inviting for and providing sufficient time for comments to be submitted.
Please find comments and recommendations DataMeet community attached.
Thejesh GN
On behalf of DataMeet community.
Dear Ma’am/Sir,
We sincerely thank you making the draft "Government Open Data Use License – India" public, and for inviting consultation.
Please find attached our suggestions.
On behalf of India Open Data Association
We need a One man/Organisation - one revenue pass book with the entry of all immovable properties of the concern helps in lot to develop nation as part of open data accumulation and use.