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Reducing Corruption through Technology

Start Date :
Mar 04, 2018
Last Date :
Mar 31, 2018
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

In the past three years, the Government has endeavoured to remove corruption in every form and technology presents itself as one of the most potent tools. But, technological ...

In the past three years, the Government has endeavoured to remove corruption in every form and technology presents itself as one of the most potent tools. But, technological interventions work when the interventions are simple, transparent and include a public feedback mechanism. Utilising advancements in technology, the Government is following a multi-pronged strategy to tackle the problem in an effective manner

1. Transferring benefits directly to beneficiaries
2. Making government procurements transparent
3. Digitization of service deliveries
4. Promoting Cashless Transactions
5. Jan Bhagidari
6. Open Government Data

Direct Benefit Transfer was a significant step towards plugging leakages. Amount transferred via DBT is increasing and leakages are reducing. The government has laid equal emphasis on citizens getting Aadhaar. The Jan Dhan-Aadhaar-Mobile (JAM) trinity will bring complete accountability in monetary transactions and eliminate ghost beneficiaries.

Additionally, Government e-Marketplace (GeM) was launched to make government procurements simple and transparent, eliminating any scope of corruption. Faceless e-assessment for income tax payers introduced from 2018 was another important step. Tax officers now communicate with the taxpayers through the ‘E-Proceeding' facility which reduces human interface.

The fight against corruption is a long and arduous one. Various online platforms have been introduced by the government, wherein the citizens can join forces with them by sharing their feedback and views. The decision to involve the honest citizens of our country in the fight increases the strength of the force against corruption to a great extent.

In the same vein, MyGov invites citizens to share their ideas on how technology can be used to uproot corruption and suggest innovations to fight the malice in an effective manner. Ideas and suggestions can be provided in the form of a comment below or by attaching a PDF document.

Showing 1876 Submission(s)
pawan mishra_22
pawan mishra 6 years 11 months ago

सर जी पता नही हम बिकलांगों के अछे दिन कब आएगे /जो भी सुबिधा मिलती है उसे या तो सरकारी बाबू बताते नही या बाद मे आना कहेकर टल देते है / पेन्सन 500रुपये पर महीने है न ही रसन कार्ड की सुबिधा । हमेसा दूसरों पर निर्भर रहने पढ़ता है किसी भी सरकार का ध्यान बिकलांग की तरफ नही है

Priyanka verma_41
Priyanka verma 6 years 11 months ago

E-payment is the best way to reduce corruption as paper currency is involved in the growth of corruption then accordingly the usage of paper currency must be used ay its least whereas all the government officials are to be tought with the help of campaining about the path of honesty and having a developed and corruption free INDIA
Thank you
Yours obediently
Priyanka verma

Tushar Dashore_2
Tushar Dashore 6 years 11 months ago

in my idea we can stop corruption by using smart way. it so simple because in over india many people are the follower of social networking sites. as per my thinking we have bunches of option one of them is goverment must make the policy that they can launch one app in that app all the citizens has right to type the problems which are facing by them in a society and goverment must appoint a team who can resolve this problem.

Dr Ratna Srivastava
Dr Ratna Srivastava 6 years 11 months ago

स्वार्थ और सरकारी योजनाओं का लाभ अपात्रों द्वारा प्राप्त करने के लालच ने भ्रष्टाचार को बढावा दिया है आवश्यकता है सभी ग्राम पंचायतों शहरों के प्रत्येक घरोँ का डिजिटल जियो टैगिंग सर्वेक्षण आवश्यक हो तो ड्रोन कैमरे से भी सहायता ली जाए इससे अपात्रों की पहचान होगी। सभी कार्यालयों में सी सी टी वी लगे हों एवं बायोमेट्रिक भुगतान की ब्यवस्था हो।केंद्र सरकार की विकास मद में प्राप्त होने वाली राशि भी कैशलेस हो सभी प्रकार के लेन-देन मजदूरी से लेकर सब्जी क्रय तक कैशलेस हो।आधार कार्ड में स्थायी वर्तमान पता हो

Ketan Nadpara
Ketan Nadpara 6 years 11 months ago

Sir...Smart phone penetration has been increasing like anything... Each and every Nagarpalika, Municipal Corporations, Taluka and Jilla Panchayat should be having it's own interactive mobile application. People should be able to register issues/problems on interactive app. All developmental work of local body should be published on app so that people get to know developmental work being undertaken in their area. All public services should be available at fingure tip.

DAMODARA BHAT 6 years 11 months ago

Educate politicians on patriotism, evils of corruption, true meaning of the laws they made, discourage family driven political parties. Most importantly, strip all the state sponsored facilities enjoyed by a corrupt politicians .j

Abhishek_M U
Abhishek M U 6 years 11 months ago

We can try to bring all govt programmes online. All these programmes should be linked with aadhar so that fraud can be controlled. Make a online portal so that people can raise the issue of corruption in their areas. Even by introducing toll free numbers. Digital payments can also reduce corruption. Giving a share of money to public for helping to capture corrupted people.