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Regulation of Drugs, Food and Medical Practice

Regulation of Drugs, Food and Medical Practice
Start Date :
Jun 10, 2015
Last Date :
Aug 11, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

This discussion theme is in continuance to our first discussion titled ‘Health System in India: Bridging the Gap between Potential and Performance’. To review what others have ...

This discussion theme is in continuance to our first discussion titled ‘Health System in India: Bridging the Gap between Potential and Performance’. To review what others have commented on this subject earlier in the first discussion, visit our Blog.

How can we maximize health returns through strengthening Regulation of Drugs, Food and Medical Practice?

1. Issues

1.1. Irrational prescription practices for drugs and diagnostics leads to overuse and wastage, as well as drug resistance.

1.2. Aggressive marketing and promotion activities of pharmaceutical companies augment irrational use of drugs.

1.3. There is concurrent jurisdiction of the Centre and States over drug regulation leading to dilution of accountability.

1.4. There are no regulations to control the sale and consumption of unhealthy foods in the population, particularly among children.

1.5. There is a lack of regulation to address the deficit of doctors in rural areas.

1.6. Irrational practices in clinical care continue because of non-adoption of standards of care and limited adoption by States of the Clinical Establishments Act (CEA).

2. Suggestions

2.1. The Standard treatment guidelines should be completed, widely disseminated, mandated and followed to promote rational prescription practices.

2.2. There should be effective enforcement of the guidelines on sale and prescription of drugs, especially antibiotics.

2.3. A mandatory code for identifying and penalizing unethical promotion by pharmaceutical companies is required to be developed.1 This includes legislation requiring drug companies to disclose payments made to doctors for research, lectures, consulting, travel and entertainment that may lead to conflicts of interest.

2.4. Systems of drug regulation need to be reformed since it is under the overlapping jurisdiction of Centre and States.

2.5. Suitable regulation to prevent the sale and consumption of unhealthy foods, particularly among school going children, must be in place.

2.6. There should be an appropriate regulatory mechanism to ensure compulsory rural service by medical graduates.

2.7. The conflict of interest arising due to private practice by Government doctors must be addressed through appropriate regulation.

2.8. The adoption and implementation of the Clinical Establishments Act which includes registration, standards of care, patient rights and grievance redressal mechanisms must be encouraged. Provisions to ensure these regulatory measures may be suitably incorporated into the MoU signed by States with the Centre.

2.9. Prescription audits may be undertaken by professional councils and faculty in medical colleges to ensure clinical decision making complies to evidence based protocols for care, thereby protecting patients from irrational practices.

Showing 131 Submission(s)
Girish Kumar Sahu 9 years 7 months ago

Dear PM,
Something should be done to bring medical practice to its past glory of a novel profession to serve mankind. Now a days medical industry becomes more money minded. If a common man got admitted in any private hospital, his whole life's earning drains out even for a minor treatment. Even if the patient has insurance cover, the hospitals loot more due to nexus between insurance company and hospitals. Eventually common man has to pay in terms of expensive premiums.

Rakesh Vemappa
Rakesh Vemappa 9 years 7 months ago

on some medicine price fake price..not regulated cost. some regulatory have to notice all this.
Official are sleeping. hardly government are willibg to work whole heartly for growth of india.

Rakesh Vemappa
Rakesh Vemappa 9 years 7 months ago

now a day many un authentic drugs in market is being sold by bribe or giving freebies.
Doctor get bribes and recommend un authentic drugs to patients.
There is strict steps had to be taken. People playing with life. Those pharma company and doctor have to be life time ban.

kishor patil_2
kishor patil_2 9 years 7 months ago

आदर्नीय प्रधान मंत्री जी
मेरा ख्याल है कि यदी सांसद एवं विदायक महिने मे यदी एक बार भी प्रशासनिक चिकित्सालय मे देख रेख के लिए जाए तो चिकित्सालय मे स्वच्छता एवं निरन्तरता बनी रहेगी यदी विदायक एवं सांसद महीने मे १-१ दौरा भी चिकित्सालय का नियिमत रूप से करे तो महीने मे २ बार चिकित्सालय का दौरा होगा परिणािम स्वरूप चिकित्सालय की जो दिनचर्या है वह भी बनी रहेगी एवं स्वच्छता भी.


Aniruddha Gudi 9 years 7 months ago

modiji i believe that the drugs or a medicine are very high which cant be able to buy to poor person so u have to take some measures to curb medicines hike and also take a measures to provide medicines across the country specially in villages

AMMU PRAMEELA NANDAKUMAR 9 years 7 months ago

The past decade alone accounts to about 1,00,000 medical device failures involving 2,300 deaths and 22,000 injuries including the much talked about cases like the death of babies in Allahabad and Vijayawada due to incubator failure. Though these incidents raised serious concerns on the safety and quality standards of medical devices in India, "THE MEDICAL DEVICES REGULATION BILL, 2006" is not passed even after 9 years.

dinesh joshi 9 years 7 months ago

A price list should be put up compulsorily by doctors by enacting laws
a simple income tax checks/raids on the doctors and advocates will bring down the cost of both professions

Sagnik Sarkar 9 years 7 months ago

The Central Govt. should form a nodal agency to look after food/drug safety. This is a subject that falls in the Concurrent List, and central legislation is superior in case of a conflict. The Centre should frame best practices and lay down guidelines for the agencies at the state level. For a start, increase the powers of FSSAI to also include accreditation and repeated validation and testing of drugs and foods, and the power to take suo motu cognizance.

Preetha P S 9 years 7 months ago

Thousands of infertility clinics were set up throughout our country for the last few years and enormous increase of patients for infertility treatment. The main reason behind it was food adulteration/fake medicines. Again number of fake infertility clinics were running throughout our country without any licence or checking. People are going behind such clinics unknowingly. So please give awareness to public in this case.

Preetha P S 9 years 7 months ago

There are certain news that there are agents for collecting children’s from various states to Kerala. A group of persons including doctors subject the children’s in the orphanages and other institutions like that for these drug trials & organ donation as they need nobody’s consent. No one will enquire about what happen to these children? They are not registered anywhere or any identity cards. Even child below 3 years are also send to these orphanages? Can you do something for their health?