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Regulation of Drugs, Food and Medical Practice

Start Date :
Jun 10, 2015
Last Date :
Aug 11, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
This discussion theme is in continuance to our first discussion titled ‘Health System in India: Bridging the Gap between Potential and Performance’. To review what others have ...
Are there any regulations for Ayurveda medicine that thousands of people trust and consume for various issues of their own ? . I came across a friend who consumed an Ayurvedic powder for four months and being hospitalized for lead poisoning of levels much higher than we can imagine .Please read through blogs which relates lead poisoning due to Ayurvedic medicine. You can find several cases of women who has to go through many rounds of chelation therapy to get that LEAD out of their body .
Sale of non iodizesd salt is banned all over India.Patients after a thyroid surgery are sometimes prescribed Nuclear Medicine.Such patients are expected to be on a non iodized salt diet for almost a month before they are given the medicine.But every where we could find only iodized salt.why cant government allow medical shops to sell iodized salt for such patients at least.A person cannot be without salt for more than a month.Can government help.
I am Dipankar Das from assam. I have been doing job in char area of assam. From there i want express my views of experience from the medicine deal. In char areas of assam there is number of pharmacy without any proper lichenes. Maxximum people are suffering from misdeal of medicine but there is no one to stop those,
south salmara block,
dist dhubri
state assam
Government must promote any Therapy on Merit basis. All other Therapies should not be governed by parameters of Modern Health Science.
pharma industry is the one of the most corrupted industry in india. they give a huge commission to doctors and huge discounts and offers to retailers and whole sellers to push their products. if we establish the system like foreign where doctors have to prescribe medicine by its generic name only, the mrp can be brought down drastically and corruption can come to an end. and people will get their medicine at a far cheaper rate than what is actually available. i think government must do something
आधुनिक दवाइयें कितनी विश्वसनीय?
Government must take Strong action against Food Adulteration, Fast Food. For detail regarding precaution in using food please read Book भोजन और स्वास्थ्य in our website www.chordiahealthzone.in
भोजन हेतु समग्र दृष्टिकोण आवश्यक-
Government must take Strong action against Adverse Effect of Drugs and find out the various factors for the same.
Government must take Strong action against Adverse Effect of Drugs and find out the various factors for the same.