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Share your ideas for PM Narendra Modi's Mann Ki Baat on 25th February, 2018

Start Date :
Feb 13, 2018
Last Date :
Feb 23, 2018
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

As always, PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should ...

As always, PM Narendra Modi looks forward to sharing his thoughts on themes and issues that matter to you. The Prime Minister invites you to share your ideas on topics he should address on the 41st Episode of Mann Ki Baat.

Send us your suggestions on the themes or issues you want the Prime Minister to speak about.

Share your views in this Open Forum or alternatively you can also dial the toll free number 1800-11-7800 and record your message for the Prime Minister in either Hindi or English. Some of the recorded messages may become part of the broadcast.

You can also give a missed call on 1922 and follow the link received in SMS to directly give your suggestions to the Prime Minister.

And stay tuned to Mann Ki Baat at 11:00 AM on 25th February, 2018.

Showing 1915 Submission(s)
Tarun singha_1
Tarun singha 7 years 3 weeks ago

Dear sir,
The work of the toilet is being slow in our uttar dinajpur district in west Bengal.Please sir you tell they are took the responsibility of doing the work,they should do it quickly.

Sujay Sunilrao Deshmukh
Sujay Sunil Deshmukh 7 years 3 weeks ago

हमे मल्ल्या,जय शाह, निरव मोदी,राफेल करार,दलित-मुस्लिम पर हो रहे अत्याचार_ के बारे में आपकी मन की बात सुननी हैं... जल्द ही अपना मौन छोड देश को अपनी राय दे।।।
जय हिंद।।।

BASAVARAJ CHIKKAMATH 7 years 3 weeks ago

Dear sir, My father still didn’t get bhima yojna amount since 2016. We stopped paying premium from this time. Effectively boost this good scheme otherwise formers will lose hopes on your govt.

Raj Vinay T S
Raj Vinay T S 7 years 3 weeks ago

Respected sir,
I wanted to share my views on stopping the corruption and crime in our country from very long time but did not know where to post it. Finally have found it and hope i can contribute my views on my country.
Firstly Would like to bring it to your notice that crime rate in our country is increasing day by day and this is all happening because police are not strict and not performing their duties properly. Sorry to say this but sincere police officers are not included in this.

SHIVASHANKAR reddy 7 years 3 weeks ago

Dear Sir,

Modi ji Jai hind. Sir person what ever pogession if he done a mistake he has to punish.

2). Please keep on more pressure on fake companies sir , please do not entertain ,because so many small people are suffering like anything. For exampul recently company name " Alps motor fin" cheating like nay this . Please demolish such all fake companies .

Modi ji your the next 10 years my INDIAN PM. Jai Hind .

Thanks a lot

Shirish Kumar_7
Shirish Kumar 7 years 3 weeks ago

Firstly, there should be a control over the number of dental colleges as there are a higher number of dental colleges than the total number of post-graduate seats for dental graduates. It is high time to control oversupply of dental manpower as it is leading only to higher unemployment rates. If the present situation continues, there will be more than 1 lakh dentist's oversupply by the year 2020 [2]. Also, the Dental Council of India (DCI) should take strict actions over those dental colleges

Shirish Kumar_7
Shirish Kumar 7 years 3 weeks ago

Firstly, there should be a control over the number of dental colleges as there are a higher number of dental colleges than the total number of post-graduate seats for dental graduates. It is high time to control oversupply of dental manpower as it is leading only to higher unemployment rates. If the present situation continues, there will be more than 1 lakh dentist's oversupply by the year 2020 [2]. Also, the Dental Council of India (DCI) should take strict actions over those dental colleges

prakash.teli@yahoo.com 7 years 3 weeks ago

सर भारत देश के भूतपूर्व सैनिक अशोक राउत इनके बेटे की अनोखी शादी सर पवन राउत और वसुंधरा चौधरी की शादी २४ फरवरी को है इस समय उन्होंने शादी के साथ अवयवदान का संकल्प किया है और invitation कार्ड के साथ उनका अवयव दान का consent भी भेजा है ताकी लोगो में जनजागृती पैदा हो और शादी के दिन रक्तदान और अवयव दान का शिबिर भी रका है सच में देश की सबसे खास और अनोखी शादी की बात पुरे देश के सामने रके और भारतवाशियों का हौसला बुलंद करे