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Smart City Dindigul

Smart City Dindigul
Start Date :
Sep 22, 2015
Last Date :
Dec 03, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Dindigul City is located in the central part of Tamil Nadu famous for its traditional lock manufacturing industry. The City has been shortlisted by Ministry of Urban Development as ...

Dindigul City is located in the central part of Tamil Nadu famous for its traditional lock manufacturing industry. The City has been shortlisted by Ministry of Urban Development as one of the 100 smart cities in India. The City covers an area of 14.01 sq.km and divided into 48 wards with the population of 2,07,225. Dindigul Municipal Corporation is preparing the Smart City Proposal that will provide smart solutions to the urban infrastructure issues. In order to prepare the Smart City Proposal, the citizens of Dindigul City and other citizens are requested to post their views & opinion, how the services being provided by Dindigul Corporation pertaining to city’s basic infrastructure such as water supply, sanitation, Solid Waste Management, Storm Water Drainage, Housing, amenities related to recreational activities and Non-Motorized Transport, Security etc. It is essential to frame the Vision of Dindigul City and to get shortlisted in the Smart City Challenge where 20 cities would be selected in the first year.

Let’s Join together in making Dindigul as a Smart City.

Please provide your suggestions and feedback latest by 2nd December, 2015.

Showing 191 Submission(s)
Murali Ramsamy 9 years 5 months ago

Progress is NOT making money, building concrete forests..
Progress is when we are able to live even without money.

Redesign city.
Plan for 3 zones comprising of
1. Commercial,
2. Green belt with museum zoo,.
cowfarms fountains waterfalls birds,
3. Residential zones
Three major zones Within each city suburb.

This will ensure
1. People access to commercial office buildings walking or cycling or skating through green belt enjoying nature everytime they

Cadd Cae Computers
Cadd Cae Computers 9 years 5 months ago

#Dindigul Raja lakshmi (Staff of Cadd Cae Computers)
1.Zebra Crossing should be Near to all schools,Colleges,Hospitals and Main Areas.
2.Near all speed breakers, fit Reflecting Stickers and lights With road rules symbols properly.

Cadd Cae Computers
Cadd Cae Computers 9 years 5 months ago

#Dindigul Ebinesan (Staff of Cadd Cae Computers)
1. Every individual house should have RAIN WATER HARVESTING SYSTEM.
2. Create the Awareness to people, To plant At least one or two trees per home.

Cadd Cae Computers
Cadd Cae Computers 9 years 5 months ago

#Dindigul Ashok (Staff of Cadd Cae Computers)
Public information, grievance redressal, electronic service delivery, citizens’ engagement, waste to energy & fuel, waste to compost, 100% treatment of waste water, smart meters & management, monitoring water quality, renewable source of energy, efficient energy and green building, smart parking, intelligent traffic management system.

Cadd Cae Computers
Cadd Cae Computers 9 years 5 months ago

#Dindigul Prabu (Staff of Cadd Cae Computers)
Assured water and electricity supply, sanitation and solid waste management, efficient urban mobility and public transport, robust IT connectivity, e-governance and citizen participation, safety and security of citizens.

Cadd Cae Computers
Cadd Cae Computers 9 years 5 months ago

#Dindigul Prabu (Staff of Cadd Cae Computers)
1.Town bus fesilities has to be improved in villages.
2.All the Village Government buses should follow their time schedule properly.
3.Need to increase number of buses for all villages.

Cadd Cae Computers
Cadd Cae Computers 9 years 5 months ago

#Dindigul Prabu (Staff of Cadd Cae Computers)
1.Police has to concentrate on villages and city during night time to avoid the problem with thieves.
2.Power Cut has to be reduced in all villages, specially at night times .