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Smart City Dindigul

Smart City Dindigul
Start Date :
Sep 22, 2015
Last Date :
Dec 03, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Dindigul City is located in the central part of Tamil Nadu famous for its traditional lock manufacturing industry. The City has been shortlisted by Ministry of Urban Development as ...

Dindigul City is located in the central part of Tamil Nadu famous for its traditional lock manufacturing industry. The City has been shortlisted by Ministry of Urban Development as one of the 100 smart cities in India. The City covers an area of 14.01 sq.km and divided into 48 wards with the population of 2,07,225. Dindigul Municipal Corporation is preparing the Smart City Proposal that will provide smart solutions to the urban infrastructure issues. In order to prepare the Smart City Proposal, the citizens of Dindigul City and other citizens are requested to post their views & opinion, how the services being provided by Dindigul Corporation pertaining to city’s basic infrastructure such as water supply, sanitation, Solid Waste Management, Storm Water Drainage, Housing, amenities related to recreational activities and Non-Motorized Transport, Security etc. It is essential to frame the Vision of Dindigul City and to get shortlisted in the Smart City Challenge where 20 cities would be selected in the first year.

Let’s Join together in making Dindigul as a Smart City.

Please provide your suggestions and feedback latest by 2nd December, 2015.

Showing 191 Submission(s)
Karthikeyan Bhaskaran 9 years 5 months ago

Sir This is Advocate Karthikeyan from Chennai. I like to submit my suggestions regarding my home town Dindigul, It is a delightful pleasure and it shows the telescopic view of Tamilnadu state, even our state government unconcerned about the historical and geographical importance of our city.My humble suggestions for your observation:
1.City Bus Stand- Which can be splited into mofussil and Point to Point main route buses, the present bus stand can be sustained as mofussil and Madurai bus..Contd

Raj_67 9 years 5 months ago

1.Giving first preference to Water supply
2.Removing Garbage and Drainage Properly
3.Connecting intercity Transport
4.Widening Roads
5.Need Subway and Footpath ( children and aged people suffer a lot)
6.By Pass roads and Outer Bus stand with number of small bus terminals inside the city
7.Create jobs in the city
8.Already it's an agro based city.So Smart city should reflect the greenery in roads by parks, small ponds.

Abhishek Gupta 9 years 5 months ago

A city is not smart until it manages its waste well. Waste management process should be decentralised and locality based, quick and real time. It is surprising to note that 70% of waste is organic in nature & can be reprocessed before it becomes waste or, thereafter, can be recycled in a sustainable manner. We have invented a Green Waste Reprocessor machine which re‐process all green reject and converts it into valuable by‐products. More details can be found on www.cleanindiatech.com

Dhanaraj_2 9 years 5 months ago

dindigul have the one of the best foot ball & kabadi & shuttle players in south india.many statelevel tourments is going on .so consider the open stadium with gallery . it will very useful for developing the games.