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Smart City Hubballi-Dharwad

Start Date :
Sep 23, 2015
Last Date :
Dec 05, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Hubballi-Dharwad Municipal Corporation, in Karnataka State has been selected by the Ministry of Urban Development as one of the 100 smart cities to participate in the “Smart ...
Fulfill the basic needs of common peoples.
Good roads, descence should be taught to police officials to behave with the public. Good infrastructure
Grow IT jobs in the city
Improve Air connectivity
4 lane Ring road for the city
Bring transparency in project funding and execution
Please read the enclosed pdf file to know the suggestions.
Should encourage investments.
Support Startups.
Hubli needs to get renovated...mainly on the infrastructure.
Needs to have better roads which are vey bad now.
Needs to have good garbage control.
Need to focus on getting some big industries. .like IT.
Focus on clinliness.
In support of what others have said, I would like to see
1. Underground Seward and storm water drains
2. Waste water treatment to recycle water for developing green wedges around the city and also to grow trees along the roads
3. International status for Hubballi airport
4. Better traffic management
5. Multilevel car parks
6. Fines for speeding and driving under influence of alcohol and drugs
Firstly I being a Technical student would love to have more number of IT companies in my city Hubballi so that more number of students like me get employment opportunities in owr own city rather than moving to cities like Bangalore or Pune in search of jobs. Secondly pease get us the roads mended as soon as possible as they are highly damaged and full of dust. Thirdly there should be proper water and power supply.
I would 1stly suggest for the good dust free road in hubli dharwad rather than any other new changes because if seen there are totally damaged spoilt roads in hubli city. If the roads are maintained good properly than leads to efficient and good work. I would als wish too hav good water supply at a proper interval of time,and good supply of power in all localities
Bring IT industrialization in the city,
Bring the international Airport
Ring road in the city to avoid traffic at major places
Better transportation facility
Foot path & pedestrian
High rise building permission
Plantation & owner ship
Do planting for each side of the road & give the ownership to beside house owner, or shop seller & give him some tax compens