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Suggestions on the Draft National Logistics Policy

Start Date :
Feb 07, 2019
Last Date :
Feb 20, 2019
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Logistics Division, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, invites comments/suggestions on the Draft National Logistics Policy, from the stakeholders in the ...

Logistics Division, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, invites comments/suggestions on the Draft National Logistics Policy, from the stakeholders in the logistics sector and from the public, on various aspects of the policy. The draft policy document can be accessed on the official website of Department of Commerce (URL: www.commerce.gov.in).

Comments and suggestions may be sent electronically at email address draftloqpolicy@qmail.com, or in the comment box MyGov portal, latest by 19th February,2019 to the office of Logistics Division (preferably in .doc word format).

While giving suggestions the proponent may please give the references of tire pertinent paragraph(s) of the draft policy.

Click here to read Draft National Logistics Policy

Showing 108 Submission(s)
Nidhi Bhatnagar_7
Nidhi Bhatnagar 6 years 2 weeks ago

as we know sir today everyone use internet but we dont have an indian search engine so I think we should develop our own search engine so that we wont need to pay for other countries search engine

PARTHA_21 6 years 2 weeks ago

SirI am Dr Partha Hazarika from Guwahati. I am a big fan of you. I love what you are doing for the country. Sir can I think if we have CYCLING tracks near road people can use it for traveling to office and other works. This will not only reduce the use of petrol and diesel but will make people healthy. People are afraid of using cycles now due to the fear of accidents as there is no separate roads for cycles.
Sir please look into this matter.
Thanking you sir
Dr Partha


मोदी जी
लोहा गर्म है, चोट करो
अभी मौका है, धारा 370 खत्म करो
संसद का विशेष अधिवेशन बुलाए, धारा 370 खत्म करो

सारा देश आपके साथ खड़ा है

अब मौका है, कोई भी राजनैतिक दल विरोध नहीं कर सकता

Phanindra Sharma
Phanindra Sharma 6 years 2 weeks ago

The only suggestion that I can offer is to change Indian postal services to Indian parcel service where the revenue from postal service is getting decrease day by day and in future they may be no postal service so replacing this may give chance to more job opportunities and safe logistics from public sector which generate revenue, employment, development by using drone parcels technology in block of area to deliver parcels .

JAGDISH PATHAK 6 years 2 weeks ago

Hon. PM has made divine effort and completely dedicated to nation for development and safety of our nation and people, our brave army has been given complete power to act against terror,is welcome decision,I want to suggest that this is the proper time to call joint session of parliament and discuss to abolish article 370 and or amend the portion that any Indian citizen can live as citizen of India in Kashmir equivelent to other state of our nation, most of terror problem wil be solved,jai hind

Aritra Bhattacharjya
Aritra Bhattacharjya 6 years 2 weeks ago

Pakistan is constantly disturbing India, what are doing is worst. Now they have crossed all tolerance limit. My 42 India Soldiers lost their life in terrorists attack. I want war against Pakistan and want to capture Lahore for ever. Modi ji please do something. Teach Pakistan a SERIOUS LESSON.