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Use of Ayush-based solutions for strengthening Immunity

Use of Ayush-based solutions for strengthening Immunity
Start Date :
Aug 21, 2020
Last Date :
Nov 14, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Healthcare practices advocated by Ayush systems (namely Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homoeopathy) are known to promote general wellness. In fact, they ...

Healthcare practices advocated by Ayush systems (namely Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homoeopathy) are known to promote general wellness. In fact, they exert a positive impact both on the mind and the body. These practices aim to go beyond the symptoms diseasesand work on the overall strengths and weakness of an individual.They are normally free of side-effects, and their rewards are long-lasting.

COVID-19 has brought in new challenges before the health care system. With no definite cure for the disease, the health care systems all over world are stretched to their limits. The surest and safest way to survice the pandemic is to avoid falling sick. As a result, immunity of a person has become the key factor in prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

The strength of AYUSH systems in strengthening the natural immune system of the human bodyis well known. They provide solutions for this using readily available herbs, condiments etc., many of which are also widely used in our day to day cooking. The fact that the AYUSH medicines and therapies have negligible side effects is also a reason for their wide acceptability.

For many of us, our childhood memories include decoctions or medicines consumed to prevent disease like flu or viral infections. During the current pandemic also, the Ayush medicines and therapies have been extensively used,especially for prevention of disease. Documented and undocumented reports about Ayush-based solutions helpingboth in prevention of and recovery from Covid -19are increasingly seen in the public domain. Correct information about such solutions needs to be made available to the people across the country in easy formats, so that they can adopt them in their daily lives.

An effort has been made to compile some easy-to-adopt Ayush based immunity building measures/solutions.

Click here to read the Annexure.

Last Date: 14th November, 2020

Showing 11514 Submission(s)
guptaak1960@gmail.com 4 years 3 months ago

हमारा शरीर जिन पांच तत्वों से मिलकर कर बना है, उनके अनुपात में किसी प्रकार की कमी से ही बीमारी पैदा होती है। आयुर्वेदिक प्रणाली में उस तत्व की कमी को पहचान कर बीमारी को जड़ से दूर करने का प्रयास किया जाता है। अभी इस विषय पर बहुत काम किए जाने की आवश्यकता है। सरकार ने आयुष मंत्रालय का गठन इसलिये किया है ताकि इस क्षेत्र में किए जाने वाले प्रयासों को एक सशक्त मंच मिल सके और टुकड़ों में उपलब्ध जानकारियों को संपूर्णता और प्रमाणिकता प्रदान कराया जा सके। उम्मीद है आयुष मंत्रालय इस कसौटी पर खरा उतरेगा

guptaak1960@gmail.com 4 years 3 months ago

Thousands of years old our Ayurvedic systems have proven that nature has diseases then nature has the cure also for these. We have to only correctly diagnose the diseases and identify their correct treatment.

guptaak1960@gmail.com 4 years 3 months ago

जब तक दवाई नहीं, तब तक ढिलाई नहीं। Even if the trial of vaccine is declared successful, it is going to take more than six to eight months to become available. So, once again, prevention is better than cure and patience is the key to win this war

guptaak1960@gmail.com 4 years 3 months ago

Our fight which covid-19 is not yet over. Any person just by looking at the curve of daily cases can predict, even if the things go in right directions, this will continue for atleast six to eight more months. So, do not loose patience. Patience is the only key to win this war.

guptaak1960@gmail.com 4 years 3 months ago

Covid-19 has made us aware about many aspects of life:
1) Value of family and togetherness
2) Value of life
3) Environmental changes are reversible. Nature can heal itself
4) Our ancient systems of living traditions, our ancient systems of preventive medicine and treatment, which we rejected long back calling them outdated and old, are more relevant and versatile during pandemic.
5) As our PM says, we have to be #AatmaNirbhar. We have to become manufacturing hub rather a consuming society .

guptaak1960@gmail.com 4 years 3 months ago

Please be aware that there is no measurement of immunity. There is no method or instrument to measure immunity. Therefore, after taking immunity boosting measures, don't think you are now protected against Covid-19. It is dangerous to believe so.
It is better to avoid going out for social gatherings, if unavoidable, maintain social distancing, use masks and wash hands with soap frequently.
Precautions are better than cure

guptaak1960@gmail.com 4 years 3 months ago

Whichever activity is done by us, there has to be certain do's and don't to take full advantage without any harmful side effects. Same principle is applicable while using Ayush Guidelines. There are some food which increase immunity then there are some which lower immunity. If we are taking both kinds of food together then it would be wrong to believe that immunity is increasing. So, take Ayush line of treatment which is suitable to individual body under guidance of some good practitioner

GANESH RAMESH KAMAT 4 years 3 months ago

May this Deepawali bring lots of love happiness joy peace with health and prosperity to u and your family.... 🎉🎉

Always from
GANESH KAMAT and family
Dandeli 🎉🎉🎉🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💥💥💥💫💫💫🍇🍏🍎🍒🍑

Gagan kaur 4 years 3 months ago

आज आप सभी के लिए एक कुदरत की अद्भत मिठाई पर कुछ कहना है जो आम तौर पर आम जन लोग जानते है खीर के बारे मैं सभी जानते है पर क्या आप सभी यह जानते है कि शरद पूर्णिमा को खीर बना कर पूरी रात चन्द्रमा की रौशनी मे रखी जाती है और कहते है कि कई बीमारियों मे यह खीर अत्यंत लाभकारी शिद्ध हुई है कहते है शरद पूनो को अम्रत की वर्षा होती है यह यही भी है जो धीरे धीरे फिर से लोग मनाने लगे है इस शरद पूनो आप सभी भी इस अमृत मयी खीर का आनन्द ले और अपने परिवार को साध्विक मिठाई का आनंद दे