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BIRAC-Innovation Challenge Award'17: Solutions for Community Health (SoCH)

Start Date :
Sep 21, 2017
Last Date :
Oct 31, 2017
23:30 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
View Result Submission Closed

BIRAC-SoCH is an Innovation Challenge Award aimed at propelling the Indian innovators towards combating the challenges of community health sector. SoCH award is highly focused and ...

BIRAC-SoCH is an Innovation Challenge Award aimed at propelling the Indian innovators towards combating the challenges of community health sector. SoCH award is highly focused and directed towards achieving a clear bold and audacious goal, pushing the boundaries of human imagination and expertise by focusing on issues currently held to be untraceable or that has no clear solution.

Themes for SoCH 2017-18
i. Platform technologies for reducing the burden of Diseases (Communicable and Non-communicable diseases)
ii. Sanitation and Waste Recycling

Award Remuneration
Funding support would be in the form of Grant-in-aid. Post selection of winners from both the categories, the award money will be disbursed as per the following scheme:

Scheme: Hackathon Track
When: Selection of 5 grantees from Hackathon competition
Amount: 15 lakh each
Final Hackathon winner - 50 lakh

Scheme: Ideathon Track
When: Selection of 5 grantees from Ideathon competition
Amount: 15 lakh each
Final Hackathon winner - 50 lakh

Last date of submission of entries is 31st, October, midnight

Note: Eligible proposals are categorized into two categories - Those who apply under the theme “Platform technologies for reducing the burden of Diseases (Communicable and Non-communicable diseases)” will go through Hackathon track and those who apply under the theme “Sanitation and Waste Recycling” will be selected for Ideathon.