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Design e-Greetings for the Independence Day 2015

On 15th August 1947, India attained independence. It is a date to remember the indomitable sacrifice of millions of countrymen in the freedom struggle. As we enter the 69th year ...
On 15th August 1947, India attained independence. It is a date to remember the indomitable sacrifice of millions of countrymen in the freedom struggle. As we enter the 69th year of independence, let us commemorate our glorious past and reignite the spirit of patriotism by designing e-greetings for the occasion.
Last Date of submission is 13th August 2015.
The top 3 designs will be awarded a cash prize as under:
1. First Prize - Rs. 10,000/-
2. Second Prize - Rs. 7,500/-
3. Third Prize - Rs. 5,000/-
Terms and Conditions
1. Submissions should be in the portrait layout with the size 10x12cm. Designs in any other size and layout would not be considered.
2. All designs shortlisted by the Standing Committee, after eliminating unsuitable entries, would be published on the portal.
3. Based on actual usage, (i.e. citizen’s choice/acceptability) in a period of 15 days from the festival (i.e. at 5 PM on 30/08/2015), the top 3 designs will be rewarded with a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/-, Rs. 7,500/- and Rs. 5,000/- respectively.
4. Subsequently, only the top 20 most used designs will be retained on the portal.
5. Entries should be original. Individuals submitting copied entries would not be considered for future contests.
Disclaimer: All efforts will be made by the Standing Committee to check for originality of the submissions, however MyGov and e-Greetings portal will not be held accountable for any submission identified as a copy.
Moderator for the task
Prerita Chauthaiwale,
Department of Electronics & IT,
E-Mail ID:prerita@mygov.in
original water color painting by me.
Happy Independence Day.
#15thAugust, #IndependenceDay, #Greetings, #MyGov
प्रधानमंत्री जी
आपको हमारा प्यार भरा प्रणाम
और स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक बधाई।
आपसे विनम्र निवेदन है कि सरकार को किसान के विकास के ऊपर कोई कदम उठाना चाहिये क्योंकि किसान तरक्की करेगा तो गांव तरक्की करेगा गांव तरक्की करेगा तो प्रदेश तरक्की करेगा प्रदेश तरक्की करेगा तो देश तरक्की करेगा किसान ही हमारे देश का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है क्योंकि 75 प्रतिशत लोग खेती पर निर्भर हैं। कदम नं 2ः- और कम पढाई के वाद सस्ते व्यवसायिक कोर्स सिखाने के कदम इससे देश की वेरोजगारी दूर हो सकती है।
जय हिन्द।।
#15thAugust, #IndependenceDay, #Greetings, #MyGov
India’s 69th Independence Day Anniversary – August 15, 2015
e-Greetings for the Independence Day 2015
I Love my country n love my people who respect women;I designed this e greeting to greet all indians a very glorious happy Independence day.