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Design Logo for Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention

The Ministry of External Affairs is organizing an open competition to design a logo that would best reflect the spirit of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Conventions which are ...
The Ministry of External Affairs is organizing an open competition to design a logo that would best reflect the spirit of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Conventions which are organized by the Government in India. Traditionally PBD Conventions have been a most important platform for engagement of the Government with the overseas Indian community (both Non-resident Indians and Persons of Indian-origin).
At PBD Conventions in India, Government focuses on issues of concern for the overseas Indian community, informs them about policies and initiatives which will benefit them and invites them to contribute to their country of origin. With the Government reaching out to the Indian community overseas, PBDs will be an extremely significant occasion and platform to reconnect with the Diaspora and reenergize their engagement with the Government.
PBD Conventions are traditionally held from 7 to 9 January in India.The next and 15th edition of PBD, will be held from 7 to 9 January in India. The last edition of PBD was held from 7 to 9 January 2015 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
All interested Indians (resident and non-resident Indian citizens, as well as Overseas Citizens of India and Persons of Indian Origin) are invited to participate in the Competition for Design of a logo for PBD. The logo should bring out the essence of the PBD and reflect the desire for a stronger and vibrant connect between the Government and the overseas Indian community.
The last date of submission is the midnight of 10th July, 2016.
The winning entry will get Rs.50, 000/- cash prize.
For background information on PBD see:
Note about PBD on Ministry website: http://www.mea.gov.in/pravasi-bharatiya-divas.htm
Annual Report of MEA 2015-16: Chapter on Overseas Indian Affairs, Page 206 to 207
Click here for Terms and Conditions.
I Have added my contribution tp pravasi bharatiya divas.
It symbolizes the unity between the ooverseas commmunity and the government of india.here people are lifting hands of others celebrating other success in behalf of thier own success without ego.Ashoka chakra indicates government of india.It has colors from the indian national flag.
Here human chain depicts our brotherhood and strength across the world, ‘Ashoka Chakra’ along with the tricolour canopy showing the World wide contribution towards development on mankind and peaceful presence of ‘Bharatiya’ and ‘Pravasi Bharatiya’ all around the worlds which will lead to boost up the momentum of Indian Supremacy across the globe. Jai Hind, Vande Mataram.
#PravasiBharatiyaDivas #MyGov #MinistryofExternalAffairs
Pravasi has been shown as a bird with its wing as Tricolour.
The wings are the essential part of a bird so the wings chosen as Tricolour.
The creator of this logo tries to convey following message through this creation..
This Logo is designed to signify the world-over pravasi uniting together in union representing this vibrant nation called India. The Colours
are selected with care keeping in mind, the tradition values of our nation.
The creator has used the national bird peacock unveiling with 29 feathers representing 29 states and all the representing member holding
hand in unison.
Splash of our tricolour is used to bring f
pravasi bharat divas logo
design by rudhananda das
The wall paintings are done only for special occasions such as weddings or harvests and Prawasi Bhartiya Diwas being such a special occasions, it will be great if we can incorporate elements of India which represents our rich cultural heritage and promote it worldwide on such special occasions. We need to support and promote this very art along with others to create awareness about their relevance and significance worldwide by showcasing them more and more on a panoramic platform.
pravasi bharat divas
It consists of three major colors which denote India i.e. Green, Saffron and navy blue.
In middle it consists of circular figures which denotes Indian people in same color i.e navy blue which shows unity.
Outer figures shows Pravasi's which are bigger and joined with a blue ring that shows that they unite to make India grow. They are in Saffron and green color which are indian flag colors which shows they are working for India.
These are 7 which tells they work 24/7 for their country.
Here i am submitting my logo for PBD. Totally based on concept of PBD and showing vibrant connection between oversea indian community and our nation . For detail concept and essence see the attached pdf describing all the details about PBD logo and my profile. #PravasiBharatiyaDivas, #PravasiBharatiyaDivasConvention, #PBD, #MinistryofExternalAffairs, #MEA, #MyGov #dilipjaviya