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Development of Gangotri and Gaumukh

Development of Gangotri and Gaumukh
Start Date :
Jul 21, 2014
Last Date :
Sep 10, 2014
18:30 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
View Result Submission Closed

Gangotri is the land from where the holy Ganga originates. Like other places, Gangotri too has become a centre for tourists and devotees thus putting some strain on the natural ...

Gangotri is the land from where the holy Ganga originates. Like other places, Gangotri too has become a centre for tourists and devotees thus putting some strain on the natural ecosystem there. This task involves travelling to Gangotri and Gaumukh. You can present a comprehensive report of the problems and scope for innovation as well as development in these areas so that the Ganga is clean, the ecosystem flourishes and more tourists and devotees can also grace these sacred spots.

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Showing 46 Submission(s)
ANIRUDDHA DAS 10 years 6 months ago

Develope the area near Gangotri. 1) Good Road for tourists, 2) Make park , 3) keep dustins and make habit, 4) restrict for plastic bags, 4) Good sanitation there.. 5) Give incentive for good culture, punishment for breaking it.

Rakesh Kumar Jogania 10 years 6 months ago

1. First the stretch between Gangotri to Gomukh(nearly 18 kms) is to be declared a eco sensitive zone.
2.Visitors/tourists should be provided with paper bag dustbins so that they do not pollute the stretch and nearby a waste treatment plant to be established to treat the same.
3. To decrease river bank errosion tree like 'devdarru" to be planted on either side
3. Any proposed dams on the stretch to be scrapped out immediately as it increase the temp. of the area leading to receding of gomukh

Harsh Rao 10 years 6 months ago

Please don't make going to these areas easily accessible. Number of people visiting these areas will increase thus aiding pollution. people should be encourage to trek on foot with backpack to theses areas on foot like manasarovar yatra so that they can enjoy with nature and numbers are restricted. At most build some pathways so that people can walk and climb.This will preserve the area and also bring revenue to local people as tourist will spend more time and enjoy their experience.

Nitesh Singh 10 years 6 months ago

Absolutely true, if you want to eradicate the problem then identify the origin, but we are lucky thai in our case our problems origin is not suffering but it surely needs protection and development,
Areas around Gangotri & Gaumukh isn't industrialy dense so main concern should be protection of forest around these areas and keeping the area clean and promoting tourism on same hand, vehicle used in these areas should be pollution free

Piyush Sonpal 10 years 6 months ago

Locals need to be educated along with the tourists. It is generally seen that local vendors and tourist litter these areas. Make provision for lots of dustbins in places where tourists visit. Green electric kiosks should be used by vendors. Vendors should be made responsible for the garbage they generate. Plastic bottles and bags should be banned.

devashish purohit 10 years 6 months ago

Development of Gangotri and Gaumukh are good theme but we know glaciers and hill region are very sensitive so development is not so hard that cause problem . So development of these regions is by technology that don’t affect the nature balance in these area. Some technology and technique to develop these region are:-
see attachment....

AJIT KUMAR SINGH 10 years 6 months ago

The ecosystem of mountain is very sensitive. A few factors may damage it in a great manner. So if we think about Gangotri and Gaumukh then it become most delicate as it is directly related to our holy Mather Ganga and its origin. The main factor of consideration is the balance of eco system with the changing pace of climate. More and more plantation required at the sides of river. The number of tourist is to be limited. The wild life is to preserve. The sides of origin to be made landslide free.

Sivakishore Chukka 10 years 6 months ago

River Ganga starts from Gaumukh and named as Ganga. The passage of Ganga starts clean but the way it ends is pathetic more and more when it is leaving the state or even country in terms of cleanliness. I discovered that Ganga water is not only sacred, but its specialty lies in its storage. It seems Ganga water stays fresh for more than 3 days and British people before our independence use to carry Ganga water for officials... please verify document for more details..