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Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign at National and International Level

Start Date :
Jun 15, 2018
Last Date :
Nov 01, 2018
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

National Level ...

National Level

Dhai Akhar National Level Letter Writing Campaign is a campaign organized by Department of Posts to promote the art of letter writing in the country. The theme/topic of the Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign is “Letter to my motherland / मेरे देश के नाम खत” inspired by Rabindranath Tagore’s “Amar Desher Mati”.

Prize to be given to the winners in each Category at Circle Level:
First Prize in each Category: INR 25000/-
Second Prize in each Category: INR 10000/-
Third Prize in each Category: INR 5000/-

Prize to be given to the winners in each Category at National Level:
First Prize in each Category: INR 50000/-
Second Prize in each Category: INR 25000/-
Third Prize in each Category: INR 10000/-

The last date of submission is 31 Oct 2018.

Click here to read Terms and Conditions

Click here for CPMG's Address

International Level

The letter can be written on plain A-4 size paper with a word limit of not more than 1000 words and is to be sent to Assistant Director General (Philately), Department of Posts, Room No. 108, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001. Only handwritten letters posted by 31-10-2018 will be accepted. A scanned copy of the letter can be submitted on the MyGov portal by 31-10-2018 (23:59 IST); however, it is compulsory that a hard copy of the letter bearing dispatch postmark of not later than 31-10-2018 be sent by post. Letters uploaded on the MyGov portal on 31-10-2018 but bearing a postmark after 31-10-2018 will not be entertained.

All Non-resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin living outside India can participate in the International Level Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign.

Prize to be given in each Category at International Level:
First Prize in each Category: INR 50000/-
Second Prize in each Category: INR 25000/-
Third Prize in each Category: INR 10000/-

The last date of submission is 31 Oct 2018.

Click here to read Terms and Conditions

For any contest-related query, write to:
Mr. Abhinav Pratap Singh
Assistant Director General(Philately)

Under Review
Showing 1 Submission(s)
Palaram Bishnoi
Palaram Bishnoi 6 years 4 months ago

नमस्कार मेरा सन्देश है । कि भारतीय प्रसाशन कि जब भी कोई कोई बङी परीक्षा होती है । तो परीक्षा के दिन ईन्टरनैट सेवा एक दिन के लिए बन्द कर दी जाती है । इस से आम नागरिक को परेशानी होती है। आज के दौर मे लागभग काम इन्टरनैट होता है। इसलिए प्रसाशन को ऐसी व्यस्था करनी चाहिए। कि परिक्षा के नियम सख्त करे ओर कङी कारवाई करे । कि सब उसकी पालना करे । ये कोई मतलब थोङी है।परिक्षा कही हो ओर नैट पुरे राज्य का बन्द कर दिया जाए । जहा परिक्षा हो वहा के एरिया मे निरधारित दुरी पर बनद करे।इससेकिसीआमनागरिक को‍नही दि.