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Essay Competition for Smart City Amritsar

"Amritsar Smart City invites all its residents to participate in the essay competition for "Smart Amritsar" initiative. This essay will focus on the issues faced by the residents ...
"Amritsar Smart City invites all its residents to participate in the essay competition for "Smart Amritsar" initiative. This essay will focus on the issues faced by the residents of the city, and the likely smart solutions which can address these issues. The administration will take help from the selected entries to develop a vision statement for the city and will also define city sub goals based on it. The participants should focus on the practical, bankable & implementable ideas/solutions related to Smart City which should match the context of the city.
All citizens and stakeholders are invited to participate in the Essay Writing Competition for Smart City Amritsar.
Topic - Smart City Amritsar
1. What is your top priority smart solution/idea to making Amritsar Smart city (Max. 150 Words)?
2. What are your proposed ideas for the city? (Max. 150 Word)
3. What according to you is a smart way of implementing your idea? (Max. 200 Words)
4. Maximum word limit - 1000 words
5. All the essays must be submitted in .pdf (PDF) format
6. Residents can submit their essay in - English, Hindi or Punjabi.
The TOP 5 Essays will be awarded:
a) 1st Prize – Cash Incentive of Rs. 20,000.
b) 2nd Prize – Cash Incentive of Rs.15,000.
c) 3rd Prize – Cash Incentive of Rs. 10,000.
d) Consolation Prizes (2nos)
The last date to submit your essays is 25th November, 2015.
How to Submit
All the entries must be submitted online through http://mygov.in. No other medium of submission should be accepted.
Terms and Conditions
1. All the participants must clearly mention following details in their essay -
1. Name
2. Father/Mother name
3. Address
4. Age
5. Contact number
2. The winner will be chosen on the basis of brevity, originality of the content and ideas and implementable & bankable action points. The decision of Amritsar Administration on selection of first 3 winners and consolation prize shall be treated as final. No plagiarism will be allowed.
3. It will be assumed that whoever is participating in the essay has fully understood the general information and terms-conditions given hereby.
4. Administration reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the competition and/or the terms/condition without notice.