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Inviting Suggestions on Draft ICCC Maturity Assessment Framework

Start Date :
Jul 19, 2020
Last Date :
Aug 31, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Integrated Command and Control Centres (ICCCs) equip cities to do more with less by harnessing data for decision making. This integrated approach results in better situational ...

Integrated Command and Control Centres (ICCCs) equip cities to do more with less by harnessing data for decision making. This integrated approach results in better situational awareness, rather than the traditional siloed departmental approach of city administrations. The ICCCs established under the Smart Cities Missionare expected to deliver specific outcomes focusing on bringing positive impact on day-to-day life of the citizens.

In order to drive improved citizen services from ICCCs in each city, it is high time that we assess the current maturity level of individual function/use-cases/services in the ICCC, using a standard methodology, identify the gaps, and address them proactively. The assessment will have potential to help cities understand the areas of growth and also in realizing their full potential.

Accordingly, a draft ICCC Maturity Assessment Framework (IMAF) document along with illustrative relevant use cases has been prepared as a toolkit and the same is attached.

This draft toolkit aims to help Smart Cities optimize their ICCC investment through do-it-yourself assessment to identify gaps under Functional, Technological, Governance and Citizen engagement & outreach parameters. The findings will help city administrations make mid-course amendments for enhanced effectiveness.

Those Cities which are in the process of implementing ICCCs, can refer to this toolkit to guide a robust implementation that addresses the people, process and platform dimensions of an effective ICCC.

Please click below to read The Draft ICCC Maturity Assessment Framework (IMAF) document. The document is divided into three parts:

Part A (click here): IMAF (Details about Framework) & Toolkit. This includes indicators to assess ICCCs across Functional, Technology, Governance as well as Citizen Engagement & Outreach pillars.

Part B (click here): Reference Case Studies and Use Cases repository

Part C (click here): Other reference frameworks of MoHUA: These are documents that will support the Toolkit.

You are requested to review this document and provide your comments/ suggestions/ recommendations by 31st August 2020. Your comments and suggestions would be invaluable for finalization of the document for the use of cities.

You could provide your comments by clicking on the 'All Comments' option below. Alternatively, to give detailed feedback on the document, you can download this feedback form(click here) and submit the file in PDF and Word format to dsc.mohua@gmail.com with the subject line “Comments on IMAF document on MyGov Portal”

Post review of all comments received we would take 15 days to release the document for self-assessment by cities stakeholders.

Under Review