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Logo Design Competition for National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA)

Logo Design Competition for National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA) ...
Logo Design Competition for National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA)
For centuries, India has mastered the art of harnessing its monsoon rivers through a vast network of dams. These impressive structures capture seasonal torrents, transforming them into a year-round water lifeline for the nation. From boosting food security and fighting droughts to quenching domestic thirst and powering industries, dams are the backbone of India's development. With thousands of major and minor dams spread across the land, ranking third globally, their impact is undeniable. These concrete arteries stand as a symbol of India's progress and prosperity, shaping its destiny one drop at a time.
Dam safety has been a major concern in India, with different agencies and organizations managing various aspects of dam construction and maintenance. To address this, the Central Government has established the Central Dam Safety Organization and issued guidelines for integrated dam safety management. A Standing Committee was also formed in 1982 to review existing practices and develop an integrated process for dam safety. This led to the Dam Safety Act, of 2021, which established the National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA) to oversee dam safety in India. These efforts are essential to ensure the safety of India's vast network of dams, which play a vital role in irrigation, power generation, and flood control.
National Dam Safety Authority a Department of Water Resources, RD & GR in collaboration with MyGov, invites citizens of India to design a suitable logo for the Authority that is commensurate with the mandate assigned to the Authority. The objective of the Logo Designing Competition is to reach out to the citizens of India through creative mediums and on a large scale public participation to create awareness about the National Dam Safety Authority.
Logo Theme
1. The goal of a logo is to establish a powerful and recognizable visual identity. This should summarize the objective of the prestigious National Dam Safety Authority.
2. The logo should preferably depict the essence functions and objectives of NATIONAL DAM SAFETY AUTHORITY.
3. The logo should be versatile/attractive and scalable/realistic so that it can be used effectively to enhance the message and impact of the organization.
4. Logo should be usable on websites/social media such as Twitter/Facebook, press releases, and on printable such as stationery, signage, labels, etc., magazines, advertisements, holdings, standees, posters, brochures, leaflets, pamphlets, souvenirs and other promotional and marketing materials to promote the National Dam Safety Authority.
5. The winner must provide the original open-source file of the designed logo.
6. The logo should appear clearly when viewed at 100% of the screen (not pixelated or bit-mapped).
7. Entries should not be submitted in compressed or self-extracting formats.
8. Logo designs should not be imprinted or watermarked.
9. All fonts should be converted to outline/curve.
10. The text used in the logo design should be in Hindi/English only.
11. Participants must attach a note explaining (in brief) the appropriateness of the designed logo in relation to the objective of the National Dam Safety Authority.
Technical Parameters:
1. Preferred file format: jpg, png.
2. Maximum dimensions: 1000 x 1000 pixels
3. Should be designed on the digital platform.
4. Essential Editions: A full-color version and a black-and-white version.
5. Participants must provide open files/vector formats (AI, EPS, etc.) when requested;
Evaluation Criteria:
1. Entries will be evaluated based on elements of creativity, originality, composition, technical excellence, simplicity, artistic merit and visual impact and how well they communicate the theme of the National Dam Safety Authority.
2. Adaptability/Practicality: The logo for the project will be used across a variety of mediums and sources (website, email, knowledge products, social media, stationery, banners, brochures, etc.).
3. Scalability: Readability and impact on variable sizes are important criteria.
4. Innovation: What are the creative elements of the design and how well is the artist able to utilize creativity and originality in the design.
5. Relevance to the topic: The design should convey a message relevant to the purposes of the authority.
The winning entry, which is selected and approved, shall be awarded a prize of Rs 25,000/- (Rupees twenty-five thousand only) and a certificate from NDSA, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, RD &GR.
To understand more about NDSA and its functions, participants may go through the Dam Safety Act, 2021 available at https://jalshakti-dowr.gov.in/acts.
Click here for detailed Terms and Conditions (PDF 58.3 KB)