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Logo Design Competition for National Urban Digital Mission (NUDM)

Established in 1976, the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) has been the vanguard for contributing to and building the urban narrative for a fast-evolving Urban India. The ...
Established in 1976, the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) has been the vanguard for contributing to and building the urban narrative for a fast-evolving Urban India. The Institution has been actively working on bringing forth key areas of concern for urban India in order to build the urban discourse at various urban scales.
The National Urban Digital Mission by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is anchored by the NIUA at the Centre for Digital Governance. Created with a vision to improve service delivery, build accountability and transform governance, CDG works with stakeholders across the quadruple helix to facilitate collaborations among diverse skill sets and accelerate adoption of digital urban governance. The approach is centred on anchoring support in a manner that is responsive and customized to specific needs of each city or town.
NIUA intends to run a logo design competition for the National Urban Digital Mission (NUDM). The logo will be used as a medium of representation on the platform and any outreach (online/printed) material.
Technical Brief
1. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs launched the NUDM in February 2021.
2. NUDM inherits the philosophy and strategy of the National Urban Innovation Stack (NUIS), a program at NIUA supported by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA). The NUIS approach advocates the creation of a layered digital infrastructure to strengthen the capability of the ecosystem, to identify urban challenges and solve them.
3. NUDM aims to improve the ease of living for citizens by creating a national urban digital ecosystem that delivers accessible, inclusive, efficient and citizen centric governance in India’s 4400 towns and cities.
4. Some of the key objectives of the NUDM:
a. To create shared digital infrastructure as a public good by way of state-of-the-art digital urban platforms, building blocks, data infra to manage the core digital urban data, and the infrastructure required for its seamless exchange;
b. To catalyse an urban national open digital ecosystem ( u-NODE) that leverages NUDM build new platforms, solutions and innovations
c. To create open standards and enforce adoption of open standards by all national digital urban stakeholders;
d. To establish registries at appropriate level to create single source of truth in respect of urban assets, service delivery, urban data and actors.
e. To promote development of nationally scalable application systems with a special focus on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for urban;
f. To adopt the best principles of cooperative federalism while working with the States,Union Territories & ULBs for the realization of the vision;
g. To provide for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of governance at all levels.
5. For more information, participants are encouraged to visit: https://nudm.mohua.gov.in/
The prize money for the logo design contest has been set as Rs. 15,000/- with only first prize.
Click here to read Terms and Conditions
Last date of submission: 10th April 2021
For any further queries, please contact at:
Email id: cdg-contact@niua.org
Phone No: 011-24617769 (Ext. 223)