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Make Your City Smart- Coimbatore (Park) Round II

Make Your City Smart- Coimbatore (Park) Round II
Start Date :
Aug 18, 2016
Last Date :
Sep 22, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation has been envisioned as to be 24/7 activity based, thriving and energetic place where people will live work and play ...

Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation has been envisioned as to be 24/7 activity based, thriving and energetic place where people will live work and play
Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation (CCMC) has initiated a competition involving “Community Participation “in the design of AREA BASED DEVELOPMENT which concentrates on integrated development across 8 Lake Network of Coimbatore city.
The Participants will have to design and give the desirable situation (target). The Design will be assessed by the CCMC on its do ability and innovation. The Participants of the competition can be from any walks of life and may include Citizens, Students, Technical Experts, Teachers and Others.

Topic of Design Contest: Make Your City Smart – Coimbatore
The competition has One part
CCMC has selected the following locations for the competition
Street- Childrens park at Cowlibrown road,R.S.Puram

Last date of submission:
21th September,2016

Prize Money:
First Prize: Rs. 50,000/-
Second Prize: Rs.20,000/-
Third prize: Rs. 10,000/-

1) Existing Situation Report and other documents
2) Terms & Conditions

Under Review