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Make Your City Smart: Indore

Make Your City Smart: Indore
Start Date :
Jun 22, 2016
Last Date :
Jul 31, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

As part of the Smart City Mission, the Indore Municipal Corporation have now initiated process of converting Indore Smart City plan to projects. Co-creating every step (ideas, ...

As part of the Smart City Mission, the Indore Municipal Corporation have now initiated process of converting Indore Smart City plan to projects. Co-creating every step (ideas, strategies, innovative and frugal solutions) through an extensive consultative process with citizens, students, teachers, Planners, architects , eminent citizens & others by organizing competition “Make Your City Smart”. Competition is for ABD area (Rajwada area) which is divided into parts, one is major street (Mhow Naka circle to Tori cornor including junctions) other is a city park (CP Shekhar nagar park).

Terms & Conditions
·All entries must be submitted on the MyGov website in the form of one PowerPoint file restricted to 16 slides, with PDF version of the same file.
·Audit report & note on the existing condition is attached
·The participants of the competition can be from any walk of life and may include citizens, students, technical experts, teachers and others.
·Top three winning entries will receive prizes and the top winning entries will be converted into DPRs/RfPs by the PMC after modification, if any.
·Only those entries which are received on MyGov platform by 30th July 2016 will be considered for appraisal.
·Any competitor can submit maximum one competition entry for one Part. The prize will be given to the author of the competition entry.
·Participants must provide their identity information in a separate information sheet, which will be kept confidential and will not be shared with evaluators.
·The First prize of Rs 1,00,000, Second prize of Rs 30,000 & Third prize of Rs 20,000
·The prizes will be announced on MyGov& Indore Smart City website.
For Any other details please refer the document attached.

Existing situation report - 1) Mhow Naka circle to Tori cornor including junctions
2)CP Shekhar nagar park

Please, refer to the link for detailed Terms & Conditions/Guidelines issued by MoUD: http://smartcities.gov.in/writereaddata/OM_Cocreationthrough_extensive_c...

Under Review
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