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Make Your City Smart- Ludhiana

Make Your City Smart- Ludhiana
Start Date :
Jun 22, 2016
Last Date :
Aug 26, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Ludhiana is selected among 20 Light House Cities under Smart City Mission. It is the largest business and trade hub for north India and Asia's largest hub for bicycle manufacturing ...

Ludhiana is selected among 20 Light House Cities under Smart City Mission. It is the largest business and trade hub for north India and Asia's largest hub for bicycle manufacturing and hosiery. Ludhiana is envisioned to be the most bicycle friendly city in the country by year 2025. Such a strategic focus for Ludhiana will demonstrate to the world a one of a kind benchmark where the hub of bicycle manufacturing will transform from being a car dependent city to a bicycle and pedestrian priority city.
As part of the Smart City Mission, the SPV is holding competitions to design streets and junctions and parks. The competition is called "Make Your City Smart". The area of Ghumar Mandi has been chosen as the Pilot Project.
The design entries are invited from the citizens of Ludhiana. The design components include streetscape enhancement for a safe and walkable environment. Façade improvement and undergrounding of power cables. The streetscape toolkit includes landscape, hardscape with walkways and plazas, street furniture, lighting, parking rearrangement, garbage bins, public toilets, bicycle stands, signage and wayfinding elements.
The participants of the competition can be from any walk of life and may include citizens, students, technical experts, teachers and others.

Existing Situation Report - 1) Redesign of Municipal Park
2) Redesign of Ghumar Mandi road

Please, refer to the detailed terms & conditions/guidelines issued by MoUD: http://smartcities.gov.in/writereaddata/OM_Cocreationthrough_extensive_c...

Under Review