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Name and Logo Design Contest for Public Wi-Fi Network Services

1. The importance of public Wi-Fi networks, as complementary to existing landline and cellular mobile infrastructure, in adoption and improving broadband penetration has been ...
1. The importance of public Wi-Fi networks, as complementary to existing landline and cellular mobile infrastructure, in adoption and improving broadband penetration has been recognized the world over. After a thorough consultation process which delved on issues like technical interoperability and seamless connectivity of Wi-Fi networks; innovative payment, commercialization and monetization models; and collaborative partnerships between various entities of the ecosystem, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) came out with its Recommendations to the Government on “Proliferation of Broadband through Public Wi-Fi Networks” on 9th March, 2017.
2. The vision of this initiative is to enable access to Internet services at affordable prices to One and All, across the country. It will work on an Open Architecture based Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (WANI). It is a uniquely designed Indian model to provide reliable Internet service that is also interoperable, easily discoverable, and will extend benefits of existing schemes of the Government like BharatNet, BHIM, Jan Dhan Yojna, etc. A report titled “TRAI Public Open Wi-Fi Pilot” which describes in detail the benefits of this model, tested during pilot implementation, is available on TRAI website. After the successful pilot outcome, it is planned to be rolled-out across the nation with the objective of Connecting One & All.
3. The contestants are required to study the abovesaid report to understand the requirement of this contest. However, for a quick understanding, it may be noted that the locations/establishments where the WiFi access point will be installed is tentatively called “Public Data Office (PDO)” The contestants are required to suggest a better alternative name to entity and also design a logo for the WiFi hotspot of WANI compliant networks.
4. “Name" and "Logo” suggestion contest for Wi-Fi hotspots of WANI compliant networks is an initiative of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India to make the citizens participate in this developmental process. TRAI can select the “Name" and "Logo” suggestion of the same participant or of the different participants. The selected Name and Logo suggestion may be used by TRAI and the Government on its official stationery, website, social media etc. Through this contest, the participants are encouraged to suggest "Name" and "Logo" suggestion (having minimum resolution of 300 dpi) for Wi-Fi hotspots of WANI compliant networks on MyGov Platform. The images of “Name" and "Logo” suggestion can be captured using any digital device, including smart phones, and should be submitted in jpg or jpeg file format. The participant must be the sole author and owner of the copyright of the submitted Name and Logo suggestion. After submission, the copyright of the Name and Logo designs will be with TRAI. Please read the terms and conditions of the contest carefully.
Prizes to be given:
A cash award of Rs. 50,000/- each will be given for selected winner of “Name” as well as “Logo”. Further, five consolation prizes of Rs 10,000/ each for Name as well as Logo design will also be given.
Last date of submission of entries is 02 July, 2018 by 11:00 P.M.
Click here to read the Terms and Conditions.
For any contest-related queries, please write to:
Mr. S. K. Singhal
Advisor (Broadband & Policy Analysis), TRAI
Email: sksinghal@trai.gov.in
Logo & name for Public Wi-Fi Network Services
Designed by : Prashant Mishra
B.Tech Mechanical engineering
Email innocra@gmail.com
Mob no.9984431240,7525001533
#MyGov #TRAI
name : my wifi
tagline : from government for good governance
logo has tricolor which is pride of our country
Pratik kalam
Public Wi-Fi Network Services
The Logo symbolizes namaste sign which represents India and its designed in a way which shows a wifi shop.
Good evening,This is my submission.
JAN-Fi is name suggesting for public wi-fi which came from ‘Janta Wi-Fi’
which means Wi-Fi for public or janta ke liye wi-fi
This Name & Logo Represents : The People of INDIA, Seated on the Platform & Also Seated in Train Coaches are Using Public Wi-Fi Network i.e.
Connect India with using their Cellphone (logo itself) they are connecting with Person to Person, Person to City, Person to State,
Person to Scheme of India (Schemes of the Government like BharatNet, BHIM, My Gov & Many More) Person to INDIA thus Person to GLOBE