Poem Writing Competition - Arunima Magazine of NCW

Poem Writing Competition - Arunima Magazine of NCW
Start Date :
Jul 25, 2024
Last Date :
Aug 17, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

In pursuance of the National Commission for Women Act, 1990, the National Commission for Women (NCW) was constituted on 31st January 1992 as a Statutory Body to safeguard and ...

In pursuance of the National Commission for Women Act, 1990, the National Commission for Women (NCW) was constituted on 31st January 1992 as a Statutory Body to safeguard and promote the rights and interests of women. It actively participates while discharging its mandated responsibilities for the development of women through seminars, webinars, consultations, hearings, meetings and conferences with various Government, Social, Private Organizations, Stakeholders, the Police Department and many other organizations, etc.
Taking another step in this direction, the National Commission for Women is publishing the third edition of its Hindi Magazine ‘Arunima’. Ms. Rekha Sharma, Chairperson, the National Commission for Women has decided to include the views of graduate and post-graduate students studying in various colleges/universities on topics related to women to make the magazine multifaceted.

Thus, the National Commission for Women, in collaboration with MyGov, is hosting a self-written ‘Poem Writing Competition’ inviting all college students to express their emotions and insights in the poetic form on the below-mentioned topics:

1. Women's related issues
2. Women's empowerment and women's education: change is also necessary
3. Contribution and responsibilities of women in society

Technical Parameter
1. The language of the composition should be Hindi, and they should be typed in Unicode font.
2. Poem composition should be self-composed & original and should be on the above-mentioned topics only.
3. The poem should have a Title and should not exceed 500–750 words in length (excluding title).

• The Selected Entry shall be rewarded with a cash prize or item worth Rs. 1500/-
• The top entries will be featured in the National Commission for Women's 3rd edition of Hindi
Magazine ‘Arunima’.

For Terms and conditions, Click Here(PDF 120KB)

Under Review
Showing 75 Submission(s)
SATYAM KUSHWAHA 3 months 3 weeks ago

महिला सशक्तिकरण को अलंकरण के रूप में चरितार्थ करती हुई प्रस्तुत है मेरी काव्य रचना ’षोडश शृंगार’।

MONOJITPAL 3 months 3 weeks ago

Honorable Sir/Ma'am,

                        Please take my deep regards from the core in my heart.I'm overwhelmed to get a unique chance to share my views on this sacred platform.In my teaching career, I have felt that the great quotation 'One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters' is very valuable lessons for all round development of the children.

Chitra Jhuriya_1
Chitra Jhuriya 3 months 3 weeks ago

Please find attached my submission for the Poem Writing Competition for Arunima Magazine of NCW. I have attached the poem in both pdf and image format for the reader's convenience. Hope you like it!

Gaurav Sureliya 3 months 3 weeks ago

Recently an incident happened with the doctor in Kolkata, It is a shame of what men are turning in. Streets, public transports, institutions and now hospitals, there is no such safe place for women to live their lives safely and happily. Totally agree on this quote,
In the dark, Man fears it's a ghost.
and Women fear it's a Man.
In India hospitals are equivalent to Temples and Doctors as The Gods, if they are facing such miserables, what of patients.
How will it be Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

AkashDHAGE 3 months 3 weeks ago

महिला आयोग की पुकार
सुनो सुनो महिलाओं की आवाज़
अधिकारों की लड़ाई में शामिल हो
न्याय और समानता के लिए लड़ो

हिंसा और भेदभाव के अंधकार में
आयोग की किरण से रोशनी हो
सशक्त महिलाएं बनो और आगे बढ़ो
अपने हक़ की लड़ाई में जुटो

शिक्षा और जागरूकता के माध्यम से
महिलाओं को अपने अधिकारों के प्रति जागृत करो
आयोग की आवाज़ सुनो और समझो
महिलाओं के सशक्तिकरण के लिए काम करो

एक समानता और न्याय का समाज बनाने के लिए
महिला आयोग की

Saimeerajoshi 3 months 3 weeks ago

नमस्कार मेरा नाम साईमीरा जोशी है । मैंने जो आस-पास जो देखा और खुद महसूस किया है उस भावना को शब्दो का रूप देकर अपनी स्वरचित कविता के द्वारा व्यक्त करने कि कोशिश की है ।आशा करती हूँ यह कविता आपके मन को छू जाएगी ।

Amit Kumar 3 months 3 weeks ago

O,women thou the greatest.
thou fight the evil with might and not fight
thou are the embodiment of non-violence,
thou the cause of creation,
without you nothing is possible,
with your help nothing is impossible,
with your care the earth blooms,
O, women thou the greatest.