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Poster Making Contest for Agri-Entrepreneurs in Soil Health Care

Since SOIL is known as the soul of infinite life, continued maintenance of good soil health is vital to agriculture production and nation’s economy. Despite the indisputable ...
Since SOIL is known as the soul of infinite life, continued maintenance of good soil health is vital to agriculture production and nation’s economy. Despite the indisputable role of soil for the health of Human being, animal and plant life, there has been very little concern about soil health care. Soil health is the capacity of the soil to sustain biological productivity, maintain environment quality and promote plant and animal health. It is the fitness of the soil for specific use.
The emerging complex challenges of maintaining good health of the precious, scare and shirking soil resource for sustained high productivity under the current and projected unprecedented pressure are enormous, but their cost-effective, eco-friendly, farmer-friendly and scientifically sound solutions will be amply rewarding in terms of food security, environmental safety and over all human welfare. To maintain soil resource in good health, mass awareness among the farmers and others stakeholders about the value of the soil health is of utmost importance. Government of India has been implementing a scheme on Soil Health Card (SHC) to take care of soil test based nutrient management at farm level.
All citizens / stakeholders are invited to participate in designing a Poster on the aforementioned captioned theme.
Main-Theme: Agri-Entrepreneurs in Soil Health Care
Sub-Themes: 1. Village level soil testing facilities
2. Youth and farming / agriculture
3. Youth as soil doctors
4. Innovations in soil health management
5. Integrated Nutrient Management for healthy soil & enhancing farm income
6. Hand held devices for soil testing
7. Farmers friendly soil test kits
8. Organic farming & Soil Health
9. Soil Symphony
Language: Hindi and / or English
Size of Poster: A3 size in digital format
Last date: 25th November, 2018
Prize: First Prize: Rs. 10,000 /-
Second Prize: Rs. 7,500 /-
Third Prize: Rs. 5,000 /-
Click here to read Terms and Condition
For any queries, write to:
Rajni Taneja
Deputy Secretary (INM)
Phone: 011-23386741