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RCH 2.0 Logo, Title and Slogan Contest

The Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) 2.0 initiative aims to enhance Maternal and Child Health outcomes across India. The program focuses on providing comprehensive Reproductive, ...
The Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) 2.0 initiative aims to enhance Maternal and Child Health outcomes across India. The program focuses on providing comprehensive Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health services with a strong emphasis on accessibility, equity, and quality care.
In reference to this MMP Cell, Statistic Division of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in collaboration with MyGov is hosting a Logo, Title and Slogan Contest of RCH 2.0 portal. The main objectives of the slogan/Tagline writing competition are to:
1. Create awareness among Beneficiary/community members about the RCH 2.0 aims.
2. Encourage the audience to creatively express their creativity for attract the audience for getting Free RMNCH services in public Health facility.
3. To motivate participants to seek knowledge about Maternal and Child Health program and help in making India healthy.
In order to tap the creativity of community members in developing new Logo and slogans to address the enhancement statement:
A. Logo Details:
1. The RCH 2.0 logo should encapsulate the essence of Maternal and Child health.
2. The design should symbolize inclusivity, care, and well-being.
3. It should be visually appealing and adaptable to various platforms and formats.
4. The log should reflect innovation, progress, and commitment towards improving healthcare services.
B. Title:
1. The title should be concise, impactful, and resonate with the mission of RCH 2.0.
2. It should emphasize the themes of health, care, and well-being.
C. Slogan Contest:
1. In reference to this, the contest aims to engage citizens in contributing meaningful and impactful slogans that align with the objectives of the initiative.
2. Participants are invited to submit original slogans that capture the essence of reproductive and child health.
3. The slogans should be concise, memorable, and aligned with the mission of RCH 2.0.
Mission & Vission:
To improve maternal and child health outcomes through the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCH) services, ensuring accessibility, equity, and quality care. A healthier India where every mother and child receives optimal healthcare services.
Themes/Topics of the Competition:
1. Maternal and Child Health
2. Public Health Awareness
3. Healthcare Accessibility and Equity
4. India's Commitment to RMNCH Services
Technical Parameters:
1. Logo: Should be in high-resolution PNG/JPEG format. Vector format (AI/SVG) preferred.
2. Title: Should be concise, meaningful, and relevant.
3. Slogan/Tagline: Maximum 10 words, should be catchy and impactful.
4. Language: English or Hindi.
5. Submission Format: Online submission via the MyGov platform.
1. The top 5 winners will be rewarded with a Certificate of Appreciation from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Click here for Terms and Conditions (PDF 124 KB)
For any concerns, please connect MMP Cell, Statistic Division of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, website link directly – https://mohfw.gov.in/