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Snap it Selfie with Nano Urea farmers

Snap it: Selfie with Nano Urea farmers
Start Date :
Jan 15, 2023
Last Date :
Feb 14, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
View Result Submission Closed

Nano Urea has been provisionally included in Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) 1985. In the preliminary trials, Nano-urea spray on different crops gave comparable yields to those ...

Nano Urea has been provisionally included in Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) 1985. In the preliminary trials, Nano-urea spray on different crops gave comparable yields to those obtained under fully recommended doses of fertilizers, with savings on top-dressed nitrogen.

Nano Fertilizers hold great promise for application in plant nutrition because of their size-dependent qualities, high surface-to-volume ratio, and unique optical properties. Nano Fertilizer releases plant nutrients in a controlled manner, contributing to higher nutrient use efficiency.

Citizens are invited to post geo-tagged/non-geo-tagged selfies with farmers using Nano Urea in the field or other locations like CSC centres, Krishi Kendras, in their village/block/district/state and upload them in the description box.

NOTE: - Participants are required to mention their state.

The Cash prizes will be as follows:
1. First prize: INR 2,500/-
2. Second prize: INR 1,500/-
3. Third prize: INR 1,000/-
Next 5 Consolation prize: INR 500/- each

Last Date of Submission is 14th February 2023.

Click here for terms and condition.(Pdf- 141 KB)

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