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Suggest a Name, Logo and Tagline for Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)

In order to identify and popularize the programme implemented nationwide by the Department of Land Resources (Ministry of Rural Development) viz. Integrated Watershed Management ...
In order to identify and popularize the programme implemented nationwide by the Department of Land Resources (Ministry of Rural Development) viz. Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP), DoLR invites citizens to design a Logo, coin a new name and Tagline for IWMP.
The logo, name and taglines should
• Communicate the essence of the programmes and its objectives
• Be unique, dynamic, progressive and scalable
• Represent the cultural ethos of the country
• Not resemble any other brand logo
The last date for submitting entries is 10th October 2014 (midnight)
The winning Entry will receive a cash reward of Rs. 50,000/-
Further, 5 shortlisted entries for the programme will get a cash prize of Rs 10,000/- each.
Click Help for Terms and Conditions.
Tag Line: जल और मृदा से जीवन है आओ इसे बचाये
Integrated Watershed Management
" Integrated Watershed Management Programme ......learning from people "
Name- RAJ Yojana
Rashtriya Amulya Jalsambhar Yojana
Tag line- JAL Bhavishya ka sona hai
hume ise nai kona hai.....
explanation- of Logo
1.Integration of various rivers shown by thin blue color
2.Farming of watershed is shown as thick blue color.
3.land area and grassland are shown by brown & green color respectivily
4.neeranchal project is soul of IWMP...so it is mension at the bottem of the logo , giving meaning to the logo...
jal hi jeevan hai.
Tagline-जल बचाओ कल बचाओ|
The name proposed in SUJAL, indicating positive contribution of IWMP on society and economy. the tagline is 'SAVE DROP, MAKE CROP' indicating the importance of maximising water conservation for increasing agricultural productivity. The logo designed in the form of a water droplet, saving of which can lead to increase in agricultural productivity ( exemplified by wheat ) and consequently easier life of people in rain fed regions.
In this logo the green portion represent our essential resource Land Resource and the Blue portion Represent the great line of Watershed.The Programme name IWMP i used the letter I to the representative of our nation culture with a lighting flame.